Summer time heat concerns


Active Member
I'm currently working on finding a home with a garage/out building to grow in. The thought occured to me that with summer in SoCal arriving (at least 90 degrees outside right now, whew!) maintaining grow room temps in the high 70's/low 80's might be difficult. It seems to me that intake/exhaust fans can only do so much when the intake is bringing hot air into the room. Does anyone have any experience they can share in this regard?

P.S.: Bringing the grow into the home isn't really an option. With housing prices being what they are here I need rent paying humans in every available room.

Thanks in advance.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Go to walmart... they have A/C units for hella cheap right now... I cants recomend a size unless others Im sure could if you gave us a room size estimate but that's going to be your best bet plus I would leave the a/c fan on 24/7 so you have a constant supply of fresh air=) then like a 6" exhaust fan or bigger with a nice carbon filter.. then lighting of your choice and yours ready to grow...=)


Well-Known Member
Good call Picasso. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if doing that light schedule (On during the night, off during the day) it would be very important to make sure the room is light proof? Would that be fair to say, seeing as some sort of light would be available at all times?

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Mine are on late=) no light shining through.. I've got the blinds shut all the time and a sheet behind them so it looks like curtains then I have black panda film on the other side and no light gets through that shit


Active Member
Keep in mind you can flip the lights too. Run them at night instead of during the day.
I had considered that, planned on it actually, since I'm pretty sure that running the lights during non-peak usage hours is less expensive (correct me if I'm wrong), but I'd still be concerned about daytime temps with or without the lights as we regularly see 95F+ temps over the summer. Maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and run A/C and try to insulate the garage/shed/whatever to make cooling the place more efficient.

Feels a bit silly to consider installing an A/C for plants when I've never thought about it in my current sweat box of an apartment, but I suppose I could always take a siesta in the grow room if it's ever too hot inside.