Sunflower Pot Size?


Well-Known Member
I am going to germ some tomato and sunflower seeds today. I have the whole tomato thing on lockdown but I have never grown sunflowers before. I got some really kick ass seeds for a type that are red/blue/purple instead of yellow.

What size pot would one need for a full-sized sunflower plant ? Common sense tells me about a 2-3 gallon?



Well-Known Member
They get pretty big. I've seen lots of six or seven foot tall ones .I reckon a five gallon pot might not be too big.


Well-Known Member
What is the name of the sunflower seeds you have, that sounds really interesting! As for pot size of course bigger is better at least 7 gallons, I've seen sunflowers that are 8+ feet tall.


Well-Known Member
I figured if I put them into a smaller container they might stop at 5 feet or something. I will get a couple of bigger pots ready. I bought some kellog's soil to grow this stuff in but I opened the bag and I think the soil is moldy.

The seeds are called "red sun" sunflowers. Not the best pic, but it may help. They just looked so different I wanted to try them!
I bought the seeds at Lowe's.
