Sunlight intensity lost with Visqueen?


Active Member
Does anyone know how much of the sun's lumens are lost thru a layer of visqueen?

I have a spot that is open to the elements now but has chicken wire on all sides. I am considering covering the top with a layer of visqueen to make whatever is growing inside not recognizable for certain to a low flying airplane.

I don't really need to do this but, if the loss of light is negligable then its worth it.

Does anyone know ?

Thanks for the info.


Active Member
mate im no expert but i would assume u would lose quite abit. wat ive done for my plants is planted some tomoato plants in pots and put them around my plants to disguiase when the plane's/helicopter's do fly by's all they see really is tomato plants (if they even bother trying to look) .most helicopters use infared eyes and are usaully only targeting big setup's.if u are growing outdoor as long as u dont grow to many u should be aiight. infared eyes in the sky can only spot heat signals witch is given of my growing lamps and shit.