Super Cropping


Well-Known Member
Hey is 1 week into flowering a good time to super crop. I have these plants 2 ft tall 5 weeks, one week into flower, blueberry, fox farm 1000watt. I notice how easy it is to pinch my plants stems, they are hollow. I am bored so i tried to pinch a plant.. it crushed in good. There seems to be no ill effect to the plant. Has any one tried this.. any info?? If not I will let you know. I have two plants almost the same. I will pinch one and not the other and see.:hump:

Thank you



Well-Known Member
I find a new spot on my trees and do this every day!! there will be no ill effect at all unless u split one of the stems down the middle or accidently kink one of the stems, and even if you do that (which I have) you can easily make a band-aid for your ladies. the only difference that you will see on your plants is a muscular looking stem... it bulges out where u pinched.


Well-Known Member
One week into flowering is getting on the late side for any training technique. When the stretch comes to an end, you may have underdeveloped node growth that will lead to bud sites that are smaller than they could be. I like to train right up until flowering, and let the full two week stretch set the bud site development.

This goes for topping and FIM as well.


Well-Known Member
in the very beggining like when your plant is 5 nodes, or even if its 4 weeks into veg you break the branches , crush the inside not snap them in half, when you break the inside of the branch it causes the lower growth on the branch to shoot up , it creates bud spots and when coupled with taking the very top growth off you cause two branches to grow where there was one branch.
the plants become super bushy and short and all the branches are the same height instead of there being one main bud on your plant you will get 5, 10, 15 whatever. it depends on how many times you top the plant. when i say top i mean when your plant is like 6 inches and you have 5 sets of leafs, cut the top off, it will create 2 main stems. 2 main stems means more bud spots. by tying down the branches you get light to the inner part of the plants and they come out like this.



is it possible to crush to much and if so does it make the plants stress out to where they need more nut,