Super gamer freakouts :)


Well-Known Member
HAHAH!!! I used to watch these videos alot, haven't seen em in awhile, should see what's new. But come on. what true gamer hasn't broken a keyboard over their knee?? lol


Well-Known Member
lol, ive been there, sometimes taking it so far that i end up with broken shit. not so much in the past few years but when i was younger if i was mad and it was in my hands, it was going into the wall!! not over games so much

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Angry German kid has to be one of the funniest videos on the web! Absolute gold!

+Rep for the chuckle lol


Active Member
i've gotten pissed playing Halo reach with my buds. Its even better throwing a smack down on a 9 year old and hearing him curse like a tornado... where are the parents?


Active Member
reminiscent of...

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
If you check out the second vid on youtube there is about another 10 of the same fella on a mad one, there pure gold. lol