Super Lemon Haze 800watt hps grow journal


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

this is the first time growing the SLH. i am quite exited to see the results. i am doing a strictly canna grow this time. my last grow was dutch master and i think that canna will be better for me.

this journal is starting a little late but i will post the photos from earlier in the grow.

at the moment the 2 girls have been in veg for 25days. another 3 days and i m going to turn them down. i will be using different lighting routine for the flower stage. i am using 11on/13off for the first 4 weeks and then 10on/14off until harvest. i have been told that this strain can take up to 10 weeks to mature and i dont have the time for that. this lighting routine is supposed to help the plants mature quicker.

any way here are the pics from the grow so far. the last pic is one i took today.

until next time enjoy the smoke.:joint:



Active Member
Yayayayay so many pics! yippeeeee me subd, anda I've been interested in buying this strain so big thanks, I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you :-)

Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
awesome. good to see you man. i am in 2 minds. i am thinking i should veg for another week from monday. if i tie i tie them down more will i be able to take it to 5 weeks veg, or will they end up too tall for the tent? tent height being 1.8m.


Well-Known Member
awesome. good to see you man. i am in 2 minds. i am thinking i should veg for another week from monday. if i tie i tie them down more will i be able to take it to 5 weeks veg, or will they end up too tall for the tent? tent height being 1.8m.
Why not just turn them 2 flower a week earlier so you can give them the correct time at the end to flower?
The SLH can triple in size when flowered.. So I'd turn her earlier and train in2 early flowering or else u will fill ur tent quite easily.


Well-Known Member
the reason i want to veg for another week is because i looked at your journal for this strain and i didnt think it grew that much in flower. i dont want to waste the space i have and end up with empty places in the tent. i m going to tie the bitch right back. the reason for the different lighting routine is because i like to see things for myself. i am stubborn and like to learn from experience.


Well-Known Member
I'm in. Ninj was quick in there but he is the master of this type. They look very bushy to me. Nice start brother. Oh what canna products 8?


Well-Known Member
Mine grew out a fair bit in flowering, but I was cutting bits of it back as it overtook another strain I had in there.
I've heard the theory of the lesser light hours towards the end.. Helps build resin or something.. Never tried it myself, so it will be interesting 2c it done upclose.


Well-Known Member
laceygirl has just turned the 4 she is running down to 12/12 today. it will be good to see the difference. same strain, same nutes(canna) but different lighting all the way through.


Active Member
What's the blue round thing in the pics, 8E?

Mine grew out a fair bit in flowering, but I was cutting bits of it back as it overtook another strain I had in there.
I've heard the theory of the lesser light hours towards the end.. Helps build resin or something.. Never tried it myself, so it will be interesting 2c it done upclose.
Yeah, I've read this, be great to see it and hear if you think there's anything in it. I was thinking of trying it.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, hows the smoke?bongsmilie

last night i tied the girls down again. i have some pics of just after they were tied down. there is also some pics i took this arvo. i think there is a noticeable change.

the pics from this arvo were taken before i decided to fim some of the branches. 12 in total, 7 off SLH1 the big one and 5 off SLH2 the smaller one.

my decision to fim was brought on due to my deciding to veg for 5 weeks instead of 4.

if there is any difference later tonight i will post some more pics. but if not, i will wait until there is a change.

until later enjoy the smoke.:joint:



Well-Known Member
ahh eighty yer comin up roses mate, they look fantastic!! i'll be watching to see how you go on hte canna, i'm doing my own experiment with the cyco platinum range on my current grow - gonna start them this week.

beautiful girls ya got mate :)


Well-Known Member
i know!! we're both growing some lovely strains, gonna be some great smoke comin! you should time yer trip to melbs with my harvest lol


Well-Known Member
What's the blue round thing in the pics, 8E?

Yeah, I've read this, be great to see it and hear if you think there's anything in it. I was thinking of trying it.
the blue thing is a thermometer and hygrometer. its awesome. it cost me $10 at bunnos and it works perfect. it sucks that i cant find more of them.

i have been looking at this type of lighting for a while now and the same as you read about it but wanted to try it myself.


Well-Known Member
I never bloody sub'd to this last time. I must have been effected by cider. Looking good 8. Am i right to think that the pamela thread was abandoned and the old one was completed?