super retarded question


i got a new 200 watt red cfl today but it doesnt have an orange like hue coming from it is it faulty or have i been ripped off?


Well-Known Member
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that a bulb can give off a red spectrum without visibly appearing red/orange lol...


Active Member
CFLs however do show some portion of spectrum. Same with the T5s. Red is an orangish color while the blue side is a blue color. They will give off a little of all spectrum but is its a bloom light it should glow an orange for the red side. There are none that show blue and are red. They ripped you or accidentally gave you the wrong bulb. The way humans see spectrum is with the shade in color. If there was more red, orange or yellow you would see it. If it was more blue green you would see what you are seeing. We see the actual colors and blue is blue and red is red.

I would save the light personally for some veg or clones or something.

What markings are on the bulb item # brand? Can look it up and see what it is.


Well-Known Member
The bulb socket should have a number with a K rating on it somewhere. If it's a 'red' grow bulb, it should be 2700K.
