Super soil User? What about this?

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I am a recent conver to super soil. Loving it.

Instead of the guano at 1-12-1 or something for extra bloom what about some peace of mind bulb food at 3-8-8. This will give me the extra P but also some extra K and I have noticed that every bllom booster has extra k in it.

Any takers. I dont want to fucl shit up.

I will be using a peat mix with some compost for this round so unlike ocean forest i am not concerned about extra blood messng up flower.
any takers on what will happen of I add some peace of mind 3-8-8 bulb food to bone meal in my "super soil" type mix. I also have kelp, steamed bonemeal. I am hoping that bulb food will do the job of the bloom guano that subcool recomends. Most bloom stimualnts give extra P and K so I hoping for some bigger buds.

I guess I K burn is the factor I can back off adding it.
I'm also looking into subs super soil for my next grow. The Rev in Skunk Magazine claims that the Peace Of Mind 3-8-8 is a great product to use in your super soils. He recommends liberally sprinkling it at the base of the container. Let me know how this will work, as it also has a lot of other beneficial "hot" stuff in it, not just guano. So I'm not sure how that would react with the other mixtures. How big is the batch you are making? I am looking to make a smaller batch. All I need is to fill 4-3gallon grow bags.
ah, then maybe you should read sub's full thread. In it he states that it has to be used in containers at least five gallons big. Otherwise their is not enough nutrients in there to finish the grow.

I am going to mix it in at 1 tbsp a gallon or half cup for every cubic foot. That is the str I use for everything hot. When pre-mixed, following, instructions to the letter I have no had any problems.

The soil, like I said, is beautiful. The pre-amended works great. Better than hydro, better than a once a week feed. :)

Thanks for the info, I was sure that the 3-8-8 did not go unoticed to others as it is a nice mix. Peace of mind is great stuff to buy as they add benificial microbes and myco and other things to their things.
let me also say I excited as hell to take this mix to peat. I just checked on my girls in their growth and the action is still weeks after transplant just as vigourous.

Also, like I said, I have adopted another beauty of a practice. I start my seeds in 16 ounces and my clones too, in clear plaastic cups. I double cup them and cover the outside one in duct tape.I poke holes in both. This way I can look at the roots. This cup is a bag of plain lightwarrior and it last forever doing this. I add a little extra rooters myco right under the peat pucks I use to seed and clone. This way I can see the roots. I feed once a week when the leaves look good before the roots look ready for transplant. A few weeks max. Here is the fun part. Then I transplant to one gallons that I have amended like super soil, except to half strength! This works beyond belief, without fail. The growth triples easily plants in reg lightwarrior and one gallons. I give no other feed. Just plain lightwarrior (plain peat) and blood, bone, and kelp at half str.

This super soil is really just following the instructions on the back of the box of your reg armstrong nursery run of the mill blood, bone, and kelp! Thanks to all the recipes on the internet for making sure it worked.
ah, then maybe you should read sub's full thread. In it he states that it has to be used in containers at least five gallons big. Otherwise their is not enough nutrients in there to finish the grow.

Well that sucks. Looks like I'll have to invest in some bigger grow bags. Thanks for this pointer, I would of fucked everything up! How big are the containers you grow in?
Just bought black/white poly 5 gallon bags off of ebay! 10 for $10 free shipping. I'll have to look into how to mix for a 5 gallon grow. I know he uses 10 gallons. Thanks for the help again.
think i am going to do the same necrobot, those bags are a steal. i have been eyeing them for a while, and now that i have also decided to give this soil mix a shot, i am going to get them also. i have a couple weeks before harvest and i will implement this plan on my next grow in hopes of a better yeild. i'll be looking around for you guy's results
will I do have it mixed in one gallons until I tranplant into the sevens. I used half str, like I said a few times somewhere to necrobot, (this is my favorite subject), and they are doing great. He mentions that they may not have enough steam. So idk. I saw some dudes said it worked fine. Just go with it and when it looks slow, topdress.

Man, I love the super soil too. I got mine off another site really, but it is pretty much the same.
I'm actually reading in the the super soil thread that he says nothing under 7 gal will work. Hrmm... I think I may just have to make my own version of a super soil. Not as good as subs, and I will probably have to give teas in a month, but thats okay. I can't afford to do 7 gallons right now. I did the math and thats 88$ just for soil. We have amsterdam coming up in november and a move in april, so I can't be dishing out dough like that right now. Ah well, theres always another time....
got some good news. i just got some of the peace of mind bulb food. it is AWESOME shit. It not only has the 3-8-8 npk I was looking for to wrap up my super soil version but it has about every other benificial and interesting and needed mineral, bacteria, and, fungi, and a few other things already added in. What a deal, for only 10 bucks.

Plus, the npk is from about every source of npk there is, escept blood. I already added blood so hey! Very nice.
got some good news. i just got some of the peace of mind bulb food. it is AWESOME shit. It not only has the 3-8-8 npk I was looking for to wrap up my super soil version but it has about every other benificial and interesting and needed mineral, bacteria, and, fungi, and a few other things already added in. What a deal, for only 10 bucks.

Plus, the npk is from about every source of npk there is, escept blood. I already added blood so hey! Very nice.

:hump:Very nice! I may need to look into this for my mixtures.... Great investment sounds like.
I'm actually reading in the the super soil thread that he says nothing under 7 gal will work.

None of my outdoor container plants (JTR,AO, & a couple bagseed) are in bigger than five gallon pots of supersoil...most are in ~3gal and all are 3-4ft+ and bushy as hell. Only been in those sized pots for about two weeks. They are a deep green from the ground to the yellow leaves anywhere and they're getting nothing but ph'd water.

I don't know why he would say that...maybe when they flower it'll be lacking. I can't see that happening though and it's only a couple weeks away. I may repot but I'm out of supersoil...would have to use ocean forest and I don't know if I want to this late..
On page 8 on his Super Soil thread he states:

You cant do my method in a 5 gallon.
They run out of gas and the pot dosnt have enough surface area for large yeilds.
In 5 gallons fade can start as early as day 30 of budding.

I use min 7 gallon pots and my standard is a 10

This SQ featured gave us 8.5 ounces last run


Sounds like they would use up all the nutrients in the soil and you would have to start giving teas. Thats why I'm just looking into making my own super soil of sorts right now. I'm taking The Rev's advice on products and such.