Super Soil??????


Active Member
I, for the first time made some SS about 6 or 7 months ago. I am now using it. It worked very well during vegging. Now I am 6 weeks into flowering and my buds are very small, this isnt normal obviously. So my question is what do I need to add to the soil or water? I made the soil perfect to the recipe and I only water with worm teawith alittle kelp.


Active Member
Green House: El Nino, Cheese and Kalishnakova.....Barney's: Blue Cheese..... These are all strains that I grow quite frequently and have always had alot better results at this point with the other (doped up) dirt.


Active Member
Do you test your waters pH I know mine comes out of the RO filter around 8 and I lower it to 6.5 to produce proper growth