Supercropped plant won't lay the eff down!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Heya, I have a lady who was getting a bit too tall compared to the others in my tent because she lost a main branch and the remaining 3 exploded.

I supercropped her a week ago and since then the stem itself seems to be healing back upwards a little bit every day. I was under the impression that she would form a knuckle at the bend and then only the buds would go up, but every day her stem is pushing itself back upwards. Will she eventually stop, or should I also tie down the stem. I am worried it might break itself if tied though.

Second picture is 4 days after supercropping, first one is today.

Thanks for the help20200701_120546.jpg20200629_102451.jpg
Tie the bent branches/stems down. To the pot, a brick, it doesn't matter. The plants will always tend to grow back upwards, even with a super crop.
String it is. I am in cloth pots so it should be easy enough to poke a hole. It's all 3 of them. I just always see pictures of these thick scarred knuckles with the stems still hanging! Thanks.