Supercropping FREAK OUT!


Active Member
This was my first attempt at supercropping and I may have screwed up royally. I still seem to be getting new growth above the pinch spot, but the spot itself is looking pretty brown. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
I definitely pinched too much, but I was hoping the stem would pull through given the fact it continues to produce new growth and move toward the light.


Active Member
Looks great haha, your fine bro! Yes comming from a supercrop freak! I like doing it just like that myself actually, it shows if they have the vigor to be healthy mothers! ;-)
I definitely pinched too much, but I was hoping the stem would pull through given the fact it continues to produce new growth and move toward the light.


Active Member
I definitely pinched too much, but I was hoping the stem would pull through given the fact it continues to produce new growth and move toward the light.
how the fuck did u pinch to much man??? ur plants might need some sea kelp to build up there strength.

the stems on my plant are strong and after pinching my fingers are usually pretty soar.

does ur plant have any fans blowing it? that is also a great way to strengthen up the stem.



Active Member
LOL that does look pretty brown and snapped lol. If the plant above the pinch or snap isn't showing slight signs of wilting from no water/nute uptake,then it's getting water/nutes and it'll be fine. Nice plant. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.


Well-Known Member
I did the same exact thing with my first try at supercropping, and didn't care for the results. I also noticed that one strain was more effected than the other, turning brown like that, while the other strain didn't. Maybe it's the strain? It's probably pinched too much too, but the strain might be contributing to the problem. Anyway, mine survived just fine, but were really thick with leaves where I supercropped and didn't let much light penetrate below that level. I did end up with lots of colas though, so i can't complain too much. :)


Active Member
I'm growing Flo and she seems to be pretty resilient. After a few days there is no sign of wilting or death above the pinch spot. Going to 12/12 today...............Fingers crossed.


New Member
next time dont pinch so hard that it cant support itself. u only need to braek the internal layer but the outside should still be intact


Well-Known Member
throw some duck tape on that bitch to make sure she does not fall off...but I think she will pull thru


Well-Known Member
Duct tape may not work on ducting too well, but for your pinched plant, it'll hold it up nicely. Just tape it up and forget it. The stem is just a big water pump, you just made a kink in it. Tape it up to unkink and the plant will do the rest.


Active Member
Thanks for the input everyone. Most of them are surviving and they are beginning to un-kink and correct themselves. Just goes to show how resilient these plants really are. However, I will still probably have to tape up one or two of them.


Well-Known Member
if you tape them do not put the tape right on the stem! put gauze or something and then put the tape around that, i hope im not too late, you need to take the tape off when they heal. they just need time, it will probally take a week or so for everything to be back to normal, so dont worry about that.


Active Member
i kinda broke the outside of my stem, the creashed spot turned a little brown, but it seems to pull through and i did this more than one time in more than one spot, but so far no problems with it


Active Member
They seem to be healing ok. I'm a couple of days into flowering, so when the light comes on I'll take a few pictures to show the progress.