Supersoil made locally

im a soil grower and its bomb with huge yields and hell of a lot cheaper(for the most part). Ive used subs soil it was one of my highest yielding grows to date. The weed was amazing. Now i grow with general organics I never have to PH it stuff is the shit. I'll run some dwc buckets again this winter probably, but i always prefer soil grows my self.
So in conclusion "SOIL RULES!!!"
I have done most of my grows in super soil, after trying the fox farm trio in soil and hempy buckets, super soil has by far been the easiest and most successfull growing method for me so far. I would like to get into mixing my own soils eventually but for now I stick with what's easy - just following a recipe that I know works. So I definitely recommend SS for someone that is just getting into organics. (subcool himself is a complete ass with an overinflated ego and we're not missing anything from him being gone, imo, but he does have a great soil recipe).

for the ones that are ready for flower, I'd say it;s just too late this time. but if you mix up the supersoil now it will be ready in a couple months for your next run. the soil needs time to "cook" or break down all the ingredients to a better form that the plant can use. if you try and use the soil before it's cooked enough you may burn your plants and you won't have the best results. and don't fill the entire pot with SS, it just goes in the bottom 1/4th to 1/3rd

edit - oh ya and about the bickering, I believe coolman is wrong about hydro being superior overall (though I won't claim to be experienced enough to know from firsthand knowledge), but I know he is right about sugars being produced in the leaves and not being responsible for the taste of a bud. if the plant sugars made buds taste good then everyone would be sprinkling sugar in their joints! lol. if you've ever burned sugar you know how disgusting it smells, doesn't matter whether it's glucose (produced by plants) or sucrose (table sugar from the store) they're both gross
Buddy, go to one of the local hydroponic stores and ask for "Michigan Made Mix" it was originally marketed as Michigan Marijuana Mix but they had to change it for obvious reasons. This soil is rather expensive at $40 per bag but it is literally reusable for at least a second grow.

Hope this helps, as I'm a recent convert and I add very little nutrients, pretty much just add Ph balanced water and you're good to go.
Buddy, go to one of the local hydroponic stores and ask for "Michigan Made Mix" it was originally marketed as Michigan Marijuana Mix but they had to change it for obvious reasons. This soil is rather expensive at $40 per bag but it is literally reusable for at least a second grow.

Hope this helps, as I'm a recent convert and I add very little nutrients, pretty much just add Ph balanced water and you're good to go.
Ill agree that this stuff works GREAT!!!! Its oddly soft and light DONT NOT LET IT FLOAT INTO YOUR EYE BALLS OR YOU WIIIILLLL BE FUCKED!!!

Teh weed is killer though!
The softness is probably the peat moss......

40 dollars a bag is just outrageous....I can make that mix for a fraction of the price, only difference is I would use only Canadian peat instead of composted michigan sphagnum (i don't have access to that).There is nothing special about this formula other than it's marketed towards the mmj community ......There is no way in hell I would pay that much for a bag of way in hell!
That sounds crazy but it not that nuts. 40 bucks is on target for a company. When you mix it your self its cost about 25-25 buck a bag to make super soils. Then you don't need any nutes or to Ph Super cheap. Even at 40 bucks it would be worth it if that Michigan works as well as super soil mixes. Damn all this talk makes me want to go out and get a bag of this Michigan made mix just for shits and giggles...:mrgreen: That settles it i will this
That sounds crazy but it not that nuts. 40 bucks is on target for a company. When you mix it your self its cost about 25-25 buck a bag to make super soils. Then you don't need any nutes or to Ph Super cheap. Even at 40 bucks it would be worth it if that Michigan works as well as super soil mixes. Damn all this talk makes me want to go out and get a bag of this Michigan made mix just for shits and giggles...:mrgreen: That settles it i will this

Its expensive yes, but if you are ill and cant mix SS, or are a lazy ass like me its a great soil to use.
Yeah I understand if you are too lazy (no offense) and got the money but I'm a penny pinching foo hehehe.

Swaggersdlite it don't cost me that much to mix my own (Not SS). $9.99 for 3.5 cubic feet of sphagnum peat moss (uncompressed 5 cu. ft) $15 for 2 cubic feet of perlite, $22 for 35lbs of castings $3 for a 50lbs bag of gypsum, $36 for the amendments and $12 for the azomite and this makes about 7 cubic feet of soil which is 98 dollars total and I still have enough amendments,sphagnum,azomite and gypsum left over to make a few more batches,just have to buy more castings (will be cheaper once I start to make my own castings) so $22 and I will be able to make another 7 cubic feet of soil cost $120 for 6 cubic feet of michigan soil mix.

edit: and I forgot to mention I recycle this I get more than 1 grow out of it.....
Hehe seems like lazy and stoners just go together lol........I think I'm just different.....I am very active.......almost hyper active........mixing soil is not too bad though especially if you are recycling.....I remember hating to clean up after hydro grows........I recycled my hydroton when I did ebb and flow and ebb and gro......I absolutely hated it.....sterilizing all the pumps,hoses and trays/buckets was a bit of a pain as I just let the rootball break down and place another plant(s) right back into the container with recycled soil and am ready to go at it again.......water only and top dress if needed......I'm not trying to convince you guys just sharing my experiences and why this works better for my situation......I absolutely have a better flow with the recycled soil method and actually a lot less work than when I grew hydroponically.....
Hehe seems like lazy and stoners just go together lol........I think I'm just different.....I am very active.......almost hyper active........mixing soil is not too bad though especially if you are recycling.....I remember hating to clean up after hydro grows........I recycled my hydroton when I did ebb and flow and ebb and gro......I absolutely hated it.....sterilizing all the pumps,hoses and trays/buckets was a bit of a pain as I just let the rootball break down and place another plant(s) right back into the container with recycled soil and am ready to go at it again.......water only and top dress if needed......I'm not trying to convince you guys just sharing my experiences and why this works better for my situation......I absolutely have a better flow with the recycled soil method and actually a lot less work than when I grew hydroponically.....

You do ROLS???? really has inspired me.I am looking at growing in a whole different aspect......really soon I will be making my own castings and I am just waiting for my bran to start my bokashi compost bin.