Superthrive question( i know its been asked a million times)


Well-Known Member
Im not asking about dosage i know the dosage 1-2 drop per a gallon. And im going to give it to all my clones recovering. My question is i heard foliar spraying could help the young ones also,,anyone know anything about spraying your clones,or sick plants with superthrive?


Well-Known Member
just give your clones a mist of spray i know about nute burn over watering under watering what the plants look like got pic's?


Well-Known Member
my plants are all fine,,im just talkin about clones,,there fine there growing,,but you know how it is with clones,,they yellow,,,,,but the ones that arent rooted yet,,yr saying when i do my normal sprayings 2 3 times a day spraying with the 1 drop per a gallon superthrive is good? explain to me how you use superthrive


Well-Known Member
foliar feeding with superthrive is fine..just make sure you dont over do it...1 drop per gal sounds good...a little goes a long way....


Well-Known Member
and every time i give my newly rooted clones,,when i give them there nute solution 1 drop per a gallon is good for them as well right? i know i can use it all the time except in flowering it will makes my nugs less dense. i heard it can increase budd site,if u foiliar feed in veggie,,thanx guys


Well-Known Member
im not sure about increasing bud sites...but it relly helps keeping the plant happy and healthy...i always add a little bit with my feedings but up the dose for stress situations....