Surprise! Greenhouse Blows ass! Freebies win!


Active Member
Greetings all,

My 5 "female "Super Lemons went 4 out of 5 male! Those are the only GH seeds in the bunch. There were 26 others, and 25 of them went female so I KNOW it wasn't me!

The MR Nice look great, the SSH from Shanti are unreal, and three freebies from g13 labs ( Pure Gold, WW & Purple Lady) are picture perfect at 5 weeks of flower.

Don't knock your freebies until you grow them out..I see some 5 year olds have access to this site and cry high hell when they pop a male freebie. Shut the f*ck up and deal with it.

My SLHaze plant that DID pop female is 23 inches tall at 5 weeks into flower. No response from attitude SB when I asked for their thoughts on the matter.

