Suspect a watering/ lack of nutes issue


New Member
Hi hi,
Here's a puzzle.
Wk 5 in soil with good perlite ratio.

There's something not lining up with my grow. Buds are not filling out at wk 5. I'm way behind previous grows.

Leafs look healthy. Trichomes are building well but buds are just not filling.

My stats are very good 26c temp 55% humidity.

I water once a day to full recommendations In small fabric pots (4 ltr).

I pour pretty fast and get some run off. But pots are heavy after watering and light before i rewater.

Anyother thing, never have i had any sign of nutrient burn. Which seems strange as i hit them every day at full power.

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
Pictures would be very helpful. 4 liter pots are pretty small for a soil grow, but it could just as easily be a genetic issue. Also, what kind of lights and how far from the plants?