Swamp chillers?

strain stalker

New Member
...okay, I want to have an air-tight room to get the full benefit from CO2...I already have air-cooled hoods and such, now I'm having a problem how to handle the heat. I've been told to get a swamp chiller....what is the best to buy? ...where do I get them? ...anyone use these things that care to enlight'n me a little? ...:wall:
Depending on how big your room is you don't need to buy one...

I use them and they are very efficent, they chill your room and create air circulation. They work well for both grow rooms and bed rooms... Trust me i use them and i live in south Texas so its hot as hell sometimes.

here is a basic guide on how to build a small one (in an airtight room small is o.k.)

Very basic:

Materials: 2 five gallon buckets
2 yards of burlap (apx 2 yds. by 2 feet)
1 fan (apx. 24" by 24")
2 supports or something to hold the buckets

Get fan and aim toward area you want cooled. get supports, anything that will gold buckets 1' foot off the ground. Put buckets on supports and fill 3/4, or more, full of water, cold water helps and ICE helps even more. Get your burlap and put one end in one bucket so a good amount is in water, then put other end in the other bucket of water so the middle drapes in front of the fan. Now just wait bout 7 minutes to let the water soak down to the middle then turn on fan.

There you go a swamp chiller!

NOTE: Do not get any of the fans electrical components wet. (don't drape burlap behind or on fan)
OH YEAH and also remember to replace the water periodically. :D

If you need any more help just ask and i'll respond.


Well-Known Member
You can get swamp coolers very cheap. How high are your grow room temps? How about temps outside the grow room? After looking at the link posted and the price, I would just buy a portable AC. Dual Hose type. They only add air into the room, not exhaust any. Uses air from outside to cool down(rather than from room), and exhausts hot air (by product). Portable AC's generally have a dehumidifier built in so its a good 2 for 1 deal.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Swamp coolers will only work if your humidity is low. Above fifty percent you might as well not even have one. My partner uses his closet and the humidity stays around forty five percent. He uses a swamp cooler and in summer here in florida, he can't get his temps under ninety even with it running. I picked up a good 6000 btu air conditioner from walmart for a hundred seventy five bucks. It's a frigidair and also energy star rated. Try this place...air and water dot com.


^^^^ I work and this field and can tell you that Heads up hit the nail on the head ...

If you live in a high humidity state your not going to be able to use a Swamp cooler..

And as far as a A/C goes its allllways going to pull the humidity out of the air , as a dehumidifier "almost works like a A/c"

If you have high temps you need to open up your exhaust , Should be double the size of your intake. IMO

I would say use a Can Fan and a Can filter < i use x2 200 cfm fans and 2 can-filters #33> I have 2 400w M/h=HPS in a small room and they brought my temps way down.

Then set the timers for the EX. fans to shut off when your Co2 comes on