Swampy Grow Site?

david nicholas

Active Member
When it rains in the spot where I was planning on growing it gets really swampy and backed up with water sometimes up to like 6 inches on the ground, I dont wanna sound retarted , but will the plants survive in this environment?


Well-Known Member
No, any prolonged period of being submerged would kill the pretty quickly. Find an elevated area and it would be perfect because of how close it is to the water table


Well-Known Member
my suggestion is to either make stands or plant in pots off the ground, they wouldn't survive being drowned in water, but it still is possible to grow there, you'd also have to fix the soil up real nice if ya give me a sec ill look it up real fast


Well-Known Member
my book says you'd need NPK and calcium, raise the pH; says ya gota drain the soil, fertelize, and lime. Yea it says the limes real important with these areas and maybe to add some mulch or wood chips to airate the soil. hope this helps, good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
I don't have any real answers for you, but I suggest that you post this question in the outdoor section, because their will be many more people with good suggestions for you over there, good luck.


Active Member
Check the humidity if its to high there not going to grow well even if you do have them elevated. Mold, disease and pest problems are going to be more inclined to take place with that much water hanging around though.