

Today my wife told me that this weekend another couple is comming over. I said what for? she said sex. I didn't know what to think. Having another girl with us is one thing just don't know if i'm cool with the other dude thing. does anyone have any real input on this. All the little children need not reply!


Well-Known Member
Well if your cool watching another man make your wife scream Fuck me harder Fuck me harder, or her sucking his dick and swallowing I guess it's all good. You need to really trust each other to go down this road, can't take it back once it's done. I guess your not the jealous type? The other thing is what if she likes it and you don't do you think she will stop or not fool around? Same for you. Well best of luck, tell the guy to stick to pussy before you start, don't want the wrong person on the Willey do we.

If you do do it can I watch or get pics. Please




hey doc she talked about another girl a while back. but then it was gone as fast as it was thier. then she just dropped this on me. just don't know how to feel i guess. just wanted to tell someone that wouldn't call me a fag. and hopefully get some advice as to how to deal with this. thanks

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I don't know what to say dude. I know for me personally, I wouldn't be able to handle watching some dude fuck the shit outta my wife and her loving it.


Well-Known Member
I think it says a lot that she just sort of sprung it on you like that.

She's either thinking you're cool with it without question, or it doesn't matter if you are or not, cuz it's happening either way..

Are you cool with it? You haven't really said how you feel about it. Have you figured that out yet?

If my chick sprung that on my out of the blue, I'd be really shocked, but if we'd talked about it before and decided it's something we'd be interested in then it'd be different. I'd have to give that a lot more thought than this, I'm pretty open minded, and there's a lot of cool things you could do with two chicks at once, but much more thinking is required...

How long did you say you had to decide?!?


Active Member
If she’s willing to share you with another woman it’s only fair you share her with another man. I’ve had a few threesomes or more with other chicks and dudes involved (never any gay shit). They’ve all been fun. It’s only sex man and after all sex doesn’t equal love. If you’re the jealous type you may want to think twice about it.


Well-Known Member
God forbid, crossing swords, can you imagine instant lip dick and two guys both saying IT NEVER HAPPENED, and the chicks saying lets see more too funny.

I still want pictures


Well-Known Member
I would sit down and hash out any possible issues with her PRIOR to doing the deed. My gf and I have been in and out of it and we have learned that communication is the key to swinging. We have since stopped but we had some good times! :D

Just talk to her about EVERYTHING that you can think of before it happens. There is nothing worse that getting into a situation that you thought that you were comfortable with and finding out that you aren't!!!

Good luck and pics if possible. LOL ;)


Active Member
yep, Angryblackman hit the nail on the head, he's real, (not like little bitches runnin' their mouths) COMMUNICATION has to be there, dont even think of playing with another couple if your shit ain't wired tight, cause it will unravel at the absolute worst time. Me and the wife have been swinging off and on for about 9 years, like he said TALK about EVERYTHING and any imagineable scenario, and it is kind of weird the first time you're in the same room with another dude with a boner ha ha. Try to get to know the other couple as well as you think you can, this might head off potential mis-matches, i.e: they're into gang-bangs and golden showers and you're into soft swinging only... as I read somewhere else on the net and kind of live by it now...Dive deep and fear nothing. And there are few sensations better than pulling down a strange girls panties.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the props. We were doing it for about 5 years straight and were doing parties, single women, and select couples. After a few episodes we found out what we really liked and stuck with it.

Good luck to those who try this. :)


Well-Known Member
Me and the wife been in it for a couple of years and love it. The wife didn't know she was bi till after about 6 months into swinging.

Best advice for you is maybe find a local swingers club, whether it be an on premise or off premise club. This way you will find other like minded couples in the lifestyle and see if you feel comfortable in the enviroment. A good link to find any local clubs is www.nasca.com or www.frenchconnectionevents.com . Good luck. If you have any questions just pop me an IM.


Well-Known Member
Me and the wife been in it for a couple of years and love it. The wife didn't know she was bi till after about 6 months into swinging.

Best advice for you is maybe find a local swingers club, whether it be an on premise or off premise club. This way you will find other like minded couples in the lifestyle and see if you feel comfortable in the enviroment. A good link to find any local clubs is www.nasca.com or www.frenchconnectionevents.com . Good luck. If you have any questions just pop me an IM.
Excellent suggestion.. There are also tons of sites out there that you can meet and talk to others as well.

http://www.swinglifestyle.com/ is one that I am a member of.

Good luck and I hope to hear back that all went well. ;)