Swisher Sweet or Cigarillo?

Swisher or Cigarillo

  • Swisher

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Cigarillo

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
The lady at the gas station has a fit every time I goto the store and ask for a few grape cigarillos. She demands I call them Swishers. I've tried explaining swisher sweet is the brand and cigarillo is the type. She doesn't get it. We recently moved to Washington state and where I used to live gas stations would carry the full line of Swisher Sweet products. Here it's hard to find cigarillos.


Don't forget to sign up for the mailing list. I've found SAMs club sales a box of 60 for about $45.



Well-Known Member
Depends on the place. I go to the same corner store every day. At this point i usually just say flavors and they know what i want. If its tropical fusion its a swisher, if its cherry its a good time, caramel is swisher. They know me well enough to know and theyre all cigarillos. I hate annoying gas station people who hassle you about shells.


Well-Known Member
I always just point and grunt.. both swisher sweet and cigarillos make me feel emasculated to say them


Well-Known Member
I cannot smoke pipe tobacco that has been rolled to simulate a cigar. They are nothing like a cigar, they are machine made. I have been enjoying fine cigars for over 30 years and Drew Estates is without a doubt the best thing sto happen to cigars in the last 50 years. I still love my traditional cigars, but the Acid, Natural, Liga, Undercown, Java ,Tabak lines are absolutely some of the finest tasting and crafted cigars to be had anywhere in the world.
Try a Natural "Big Juicy" or "Dirt Torpedo" and you will more than likely never buy another machine made product again. If you like mild to medium flavors, then you ought to give them a try, I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. Huge selection and decently priced.

And they go great with a fine bourbon or scotch as well.




Well-Known Member
I dont usually smoke blunts but when I do its backwoods...

Swishers taste like cardboard


Well-Known Member
Swishers are where its at. Nice and thin but not too thin that they burn hot. Backwoods are good but a little thick for my taste. Anything but a white owl is good for me to roll a blunt.


Well-Known Member
no tobacco here, my weed tastes too good :eyesmoke:

If its really good you taste it through the swisher hahaha

I always say this to people who say they dont like blunts.

One of the other reasons i like blunts is because you dont have a resin filled bowl holding onto nasty tastin shit. Every blunt tastes better than a brand new piece or any sort or other smoking device.


Well-Known Member
Ever try raw papers, or pure hemp papers... Problem solved! no nasty ass cancer tobacco.
Papers fuck my throat up. Ill smoke 20 blunts in a day and my throat will be fine the next morning. If i smoke 19 blunts and 1 joint my throat will feel as dry as the desert the next morning like i have strep. And they burn annoying and hot as fuck. Cant beat the sweet slow burn of a swisher.

Most people who dont like swishers dont like them because theyre not rolled right and are too loose so all you taste is the paper.

I always say, let me roll the blunt and i guarantee youll taste everything in your bud.


Well-Known Member
If its really good you taste it through the swisher hahaha

I always say this to people who say they dont like blunts.

One of the other reasons i like blunts is because you dont have a resin filled bowl holding onto nasty tastin shit. Every blunt tastes better than a brand new piece or any sort or other smoking device.
i just use big ass raw papers, i used to smoke and quit 3 years ago and can't stand the smell or taste of tobacco now :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Some d00ds tried to make a spliff with my shit. I felt insulted and told to roll a joint or fuck off. Fuck tobacco.
Blunts are cool, with some good weed the paper doesn't even tastes.


Well-Known Member
It disgusts me because tobacco is legal for all the wrong reasons... I don't support that shit...that death and tax cycle is some satanic shit bro!


Well-Known Member
Ive never smoked cigarettes theyre disgusting and a waste of time and money and health. The leaf from a blunt doesnt really taste like the actual tobacco and probably doesnt contain as many of the harmful things they add to cigarette tobacco. All i can taste is my weed. haha.

Ive always wanted to get a shell tested without the tobacco in the middle to see just how many harmful things are in it compared to cigarettes or the tobacco in the blunt itself. I accept the threat either way. Smoking anything isnt good for you no matter how pure or "vaporized" it is, i just accept the blunts because they are my personal favorite. No constant relighting, no nasty burnt/toasted weed half way through a bowl and perfect flavor every time.


Well-Known Member
You may be right, and organic tobacco leafs may be good and healthy. I'm not sure a company like swisher would be, but.... but we all have our tastes and reasons for our choice of smoking, and I can respect your opinion!


Well-Known Member
You may be right, and organic tobacco leafs may be good and healthy. I'm not sure a company like swisher would be, but.... but we all have our tastes and reasons for our choice of smoking, and I can respect your opinion!

Agreed!!! Much respect. Ive always wanted to roll a blunt out of a leaf from one of my plants but either dried them too much or they were too wet to burn. And its hard as fuck to roll an actual leaf. If youre ever in my neck of the woods ill roll ya one of the best blunts of your life. haha and you can twist me a good burnin joint i bet! haha