Switching Light cycle during flowering???

hi guys... Merry weedmas to all :)

I am currently in my 4th day of flowering and my lights are on from 6pm to 6am. However this cycle doesn't suit me anymore and I need it to be the complete opposite (on at 6am to 6pm) can I just flip it over by leaving it on an extra 12 hours or do u suggest to leave off then switch??

Let me know please guys I'm nervous to make my next move :/ thanks

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
this can be done this early with zero issues .. ok there will be a lot of opinions on this . i suggest 24 hours of total dark . then start your new cycle . dark resets the plants clock . they will be fine . i have done a plant with a 4 week in flower the 24 dark worked it was ok .


Well-Known Member
hi guys... Merry weedmas to all :)

I am currently in my 4th day of flowering and my lights are on from 6pm to 6am. However this cycle doesn't suit me anymore and I need it to be the complete opposite (on at 6am to 6pm) can I just flip it over by leaving it on an extra 12 hours or do u suggest to leave off then switch??

Let me know please guys I'm nervous to make my next move :/ thanks
Go with the extra dark period.