Switching to Lucas Formula DWC! Do I flush before the switch?


Hey guys... Got a grow in DWC... I want to switch to Lucas Formula since I have the GH nute I need! I have been feeding them some bootleg nutes I got from the hydro shop the entire time and they've been doing fine but I'd rather have a great finish instead of just fine! Plus, I wanna switch to Lucas cuz it seems very simple! Now should I mix a rez with RO water and Clearex and leave them in there for a couple days or a few hours and then mix up a rez with nutes and switch them into there? Or can I just skip the Clearex and the flush part and just mix up a rez with nutes the Lucas way and just put them into that rez? I just don't know if I should flush them with Clearex b4 I put them into their new nutes! Please any advise would be greatly appreciated since this is my 1st time and I wanna make sure I do it right! They're going into their 4th week of flower! Thx in advance...

I would just dump the old and add the fresh lucas nutes. really careful for me would be letting it sit in plain water for a few hours. Ph'd water of course.

I only use the clearex at the end cuz I am not sure of how long it takes for the plant to start taking up nutes. Plants are pretty strong and can prob just power thru a res nute change.

but in a week or sooner I would do another res change. watch the ph. lucas is good for ph. but good to chart.
I would just dump the old and add the fresh lucas nutes. really careful for me would be letting it sit in plain water for a few hours. Ph'd water of course.

I only use the clearex at the end cuz I am not sure of how long it takes for the plant to start taking up nutes. Plants are pretty strong and can prob just power thru a res nute change.

but in a week or sooner I would do another res change. watch the ph. lucas is good for ph. but good to chart.

Thx Tea Tree... That's actually what I did! I just switched them from the old rez to the new Lucas rez! Ya I watch the Ph daily! Why another rez change in a week! I thought u didn't need to do that with the Lucas! Only once between veg and flower. Is there a reason u say to change rez again in a week or sooner?
I said another res change in a week because of the old nute solution clinging and mixing to the roots. I meant follow the lucas anyway you want. Lucas is great. Do the res change as your plants will let you! The change is more of super cleanliness. I am using lucas and tapwater and regular micro and loving it. When yu find a nute mix that works it is the best day. lol.
Ok... I inderstand now! So the next rez change done in a week will completely wash away any of the old nutes that've stayed behing when I did the first change! Makes sence! K so that's what I'll do then... I'll do another rez change on Friday and add all the nutes according to Lucas! I must say tho that in the last 2 days since I didn the change the girls seemed to have really liked it! No burn... No nuthin! So we'll see how this turns out n if this Lucas Form works good for me then I'm stickin with it! Thx for the advise TT! Anyone else have any thoughts please feel free to join in...
