Symphilids Help


Active Member
Ok so i had symphilids and i couldn't really find any help online, apart from store bought chemical solutions.

After some reserch and and some trial testing i found a great organic solution and i aught i would share it with you just in case you have Symphilids or ever end up whit these nasty pests. so here is the solution with nothing but normal household items.

2 ounces garlic
2 tablespoons liquid soap (pure soap is better but this works just as well)
2 teaspoons cooking oil (mineral oil is better but this will also work just as well)
3 liters of water Ph regulated (the normal water you use to water your plants)

1. dice the garlic or if you have a blender use that
2. add the soap and oil (after you take it out of the blender if you used)
3. stir well
4. gradually add water while stirring
5. let sit for about 4 hours (if blended an hour is enough)
6. strain out all the chunks of garlic
7. make sure you soil is not damp (if you have recently watered wait a day or 2)
8. water your plants with stinky garlic liquid i used a liter per plant it depends on pot size (you want to pour enough to wet the soil to the bottom )

I used this method with a soil medium i don't know if it works with other mediums.
within 24 hours all of them seem to have died it has been only a week since i have done this, but so far it looks like i have killed them all.

WARNING your grow room will smell of garlic for a while but i am sure that the smell will go away soon

This method will also work with root aphids and fungus gnats, and on many leaf-chewing insects, such as aphids, immature scales, leafhoppers, thrips, leafminers, beetle larvae cabbage loopers, earwigs, June bugs, leafhoppers, squash bugs and white flies. For leaf pests, spray leaves thoroughly, especially the undersides.

Hope this helps

Good luck
Max Narco

Lysemith, Lowkey

Well-Known Member
I realize this post is a year + old, but I was wondering what ever became of your symphilid problem? Did the garlic juice work? My reason for asking is because I have a bad symphilid infestation, and I have used neem oil, tobacco, and more exotic pesticides and they seem to just come back, harder and more powerful than before lol.