T5 Vs T12?


Active Member
I've been looking into buying a T5 fixture but I found a couple T12's sitting around. My question is would it be alright to just use these for my first grow do you think? & if so does anyone know where to get good tubes for it, I can only find low watts really..anything high watt is also high in the color spectrum & I have 4 26W Daylight CFL's already so I am looking more for flowering bulbs now.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :weed:


Well-Known Member
welcome to the forum. The t-12's will not do you any good for flowering inless you could use then as side lighting. In his excellent book, Marijuana Buds for less. Grow 8oz of bud for Less Than $100 describes how he placed 8-42 watt cfl's to grow 1/2# of bud from three plants. Its available at Barnes & Nobles for $16.95. The information is priceless for a new grower looking for inexpensive options to get started with. Garden Knowm has a link to it so you can order it on line. VV


Active Member
Thanks alot bro, I am going to check into it for sure. Know any other good books to check out while I'm at it?


Well-Known Member
Yes, several. This one will give you the best information to start with. The others have information on all of the systems etc. and add to the confusion for new growers in my opinion. General HydroPonics by G.Law gives you the basics, nothing MJ specific, not even mentioned. Indoor Marijuana Growing by Jorge Cervantes, all of Ed Rosenthals and of course the rest of SeeMoreBuds books. VV


Well-Known Member
I have a T5 fixture, half cool blue, half daylight warm.

Spits out a total of ~20,000 lumens. I have 4 plants flowering extremely well.


Well-Known Member
I used two T5 & two T12's 22"... they worked great.. even did 1/2 my flowering with T5 red spect. bulbs... they work a lot better than I thought they would....Luck.