T5 Waterfarm Closet Grow

Hey guys this is my second grow and my first grow journal....my first grow turned out pretty good but I could always use tips and maybe my grow could be a resource for people with my type of setup....I'm growing three plants in seperate waterfarm units under a 200w 4ft 4 bulb T5 fixture with a 4ft 2 bulb T8 fixture as a supplementary light all in about a 2ftx5ft area ...the nutes are genhydro (GMB) along with all of the genhydro supplements (diamond nectar, floralicious grow/bloom, flora blend, flora nectar, and koolbloom wet/dry)....I'm growing three seperate strains from clone that I picked up at a local dispensary...Hash plant, wheelchair kush, and Alaskan ice....I am in week three of veg and things are going great....should have pics up very soon....


Active Member
hey bro i have one of those water farms right now and i am about 2 weeks in on 12/12 from seed. you don't see a lot of water farms around this is my second grow with it and the waterfarm is definitly a good investment. good luck with your grow.
So I'm in the middle of week three and I'm not sure if I want to start topping or maybe put a screen on top of these plants....I've never tried either technique but I would like to figure it out....open to any suggestions...
oh word...how high up from the base should i put my screens?.....Im guessing a 1ftx1ft square over each bucket will do?....and as far as topping goes i want to end up with four main stalks so where exactly should i cut them?....


Active Member
Damn man, looking good. I'm knee deep in my frist grow, using cfl's to veg, and then going to use an 8 bulb t5 for flowering, along with 100w cfls on the sides well. Looks like you're getting some awesome results with them yourself. How long are those main colas? Hard to get an idea of the size from the photos.
here is a better view of my first plants....i found out along the way that you can put these t5s alot closer to the canopy than i first thought...around three inches away...so hopefully the buds on these next three will be alot bigger....

