Take a guess for me...


Active Member
Hey guys and gals. I am really hoping someone will take a guess for me on how much my 4 plants should yield.

This may sound silly, but I am am very eager to figure out a ball park amount. My brother and I have been throwing out numbers left and right and if someone that was experienced could give their 2 cents, I would greatly appreciate it!

Here is the run-down.

4 Norther nights plants
Currently (Day 18 ) on CFLs (Shown in light)
-- In 2 days, will be under a 400w MH for flowering for another 42 days. Then a HPS for 62 ish days.

Using foxfarm trio

Day 18 1.jpgDay 18 3.jpgDay 18 2.jpg

A GUESS or an educated guess would be great.



Well-Known Member
dude your like what 1 week into veg. you cant even begin to talk about bud yet. for all you know BAM!! spider mites attack tmrw and then nothing. or maybe BAM!! 3 ft tall monsters give you a pund of bud. but either way you look at it you cant yeild more then the wattage of light you have experienced growing can get 1gram per 1watt of light. usually more around .5g per watt. and if your gunna switch lights to 12/12 for flowering in 2 days.... then you'll likely get around 1oz max those are some pretty small plants and if your growing from seed wich it looks like you are... your plants wont even begin to flower for another month seedlings need to mature before the start to flower... clones on the other hand start budding the day they go 12/12



Active Member
No no, you misunderstood. In 2 days I will be putting an MH over them, 400w. I appreciate your input, but I was kinda going at 'in a perfect world' idea.