Take a look let me no what u think


New Member
These are my northan lights nivana autos there 30 days old under a 600w light im useing canna terra soil 'for the the first 10 days I had them on a 20/4 light cycle now there on18/6 I havent put no nutes in at all ive been useing tap water just leaveing it 24 hours to kill chemicals then useing that , right opinions who thinks I should use nutes and if I was what 1s should I use and do they look healthy I mean I havemt used nutes and ive been told plant can get nute burn so say what you think cheers :)
I have a similar situation (20 days old, have only used water until now, autoflower) I've been told by people on here that at the beginning of the fourth week i should start using nutes but to start off with a very diluted dosage and up it over time after its in the plants system. I have fox farm ocean forest soil so it only makes sense to use fox farm soil nutrients. Depending on your setup is how you should decide what nutrients to use. What ever ones you decide on remember start off with a diluted dosage and increase over time. Hope this helps, good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
They look good to me but some 5 10 10 couldn't hurt to fatten up them buds and a little nit to prevent yellowing


Well-Known Member
5= nitrogen 10= potassium 10= phospherus ....and plant food will usually give you what is called NPK. the n= nitrogen p=potassium k= phospherus. it could rank from 20-20-20 to 10-5-10 and so on.


Active Member
These are my northan lights nivana autos there 30 days old under a 600w light im useing canna terra soil 'for the the first 10 days I had them on a 20/4 light cycle now there on18/6 I havent put no nutes in at all ive been useing tap water just leaveing it 24 hours to kill chemicals then useing that , right opinions who thinks I should use nutes and if I was what 1s should I use and do they look healthy I mean I havemt used nutes and ive been told plant can get nute burn so say what you think cheers :)
They look fine ! I see a flat plant there maybe. LOL
Anyway, fertilizer should be low in Nitrogen cuz you already switched, look for NPK like 8-15-15, 5-10-10, 4-7-7 or something like that !!
Start giving 1/4 the amount recommended, then 1/2 for the third time, then all the amount for fourth time and so on !! Good Luck


Well-Known Member
These are my northan lights nivana autos there 30 days old under a 600w light im useing canna terra soil 'for the the first 10 days I had them on a 20/4 light cycle now there on18/6 I havent put no nutes in at all ive been useing tap water just leaveing it 24 hours to kill chemicals then useing that , right opinions who thinks I should use nutes and if I was what 1s should I use and do they look healthy I mean I havemt used nutes and ive been told plant can get nute burn so say what you think cheers :)
I would transplant those into larger pots. I don't fuck with autos much, but I have a few times, and I find the bigger the container the better... At the very least you should make better use of the space you have. See all of the extra space at the top of the green containers? That is wasted space, you really should have soil almost up to the lip. More soil=more space for roots=more bud. Other than that I think they look pretty good.

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
5= nitrogen 10= potassium 10= phospherus ....and plant food will usually give you what is called NPK. the n= nitrogen p=potassium k= phospherus. it could rank from 20-20-20 to 10-5-10 and so on.
Good information Uni, except that you have phosphorus and potassium reversed. N=nitrogen, P=phosphorus, and K=potassium.

The plants look pretty good. I agree with smokecat that larger pots would be recommended. You started with pretty good soil, which gives you some flexibility in nutrients, but you will eventually want to supplement. Your plants will tell you when they need more food.

chairroller ... Are you suggesting that switching to a 18/6 lighting cycle means that you no longer need much nitrogen. I've never grown autos before, but flowering with normal strains doesn't start until you start a 12/12 cycle.