Taking ages to flower??


Active Member
I have done a few grows, started on NFT, then DWC (oxypots), then organic soil and now back to NFT.......I am not really a newbie, but by no means very experienced either. I have some Dutch Passion Power Plant and Serious seeds Chronic on the tables at the mo, started off with 7 PP and 6 Chronic. Got some early signs (8 days) that there were 4 males and so chopped em and one Chronic preflowered (female) early too. I have taken 4 clones from Chronic which at 4 weeks veg had a 1 1/2 inch stem and only 14 inches tall!! with a view to getting a mother going (currently under ecolight 250w fluoro(blue)), I am 14 days into flowering (turning the lights to 12/12)but although the power plants really stink (smells like diesel fumes when i brush the stems) they have not showed any signs of flowering yet. I know what to look for, but am a little worried as i would normally have seen some bollocks/pistils by now! Am I being a little premature? I am counting 14 days from the date I turned the clocks to 12/12. There are no light leaks into the room when its dark and no LED'S from leads etc. I just worry that I may run out of time and get a shit result which luckily I have not had to date.
Last grow, 3 Dutch Passion PP yielded 15 (dry), previous 2 x AK47 = 14 (dry) and some other good, but not quite so impressive results.??
Any thoughts??



Active Member
Just wanted to know if anyone else has had plants take more than two weeks to show signs of female flowers or am i worrying unduly as this has never happened b4??