taking clones of a plant already on bloom

4 week on bloom and i have taken clones, i have read that they will take an have roots but they take a bit longer, how long do i keep the domes on them for?
also i have a plant that has started to grow deformed leaves, not sure why, can any one help?


Well-Known Member
From what I've read (as I planned to do the same), it will take a bit longer but I think the procedure is the same. Probably I'd keep the domes until they look good (wait until they're no longer droopy , for example). About the deformed leaves, could you post pictures? Where did you get the plant? Clone? Grown from seed? If so, where did you get the seeds?


Well-Known Member
I have taken clone's from plant's in flower but it is far from ideal,far better if you can makeing a mother and cloneing room.I have always done the same thing when it come's to clone's and it has never let me down.once the clone's have been taken into the propagator and leave the vents on it closeds for the 1st 2 day's,but when the vents are closed make sure that you lift the lid and leave it of for a couple of mins each day.On day 3 open the vents misting the clone's 2 times a day once in a morn and once at night also mist the inside of the propagators lid,I personaly mist 2 times a day for the 1st week the once after that but lift the lid a couple of times a day,Round about day 7/14 roots will start to appear once they all have roots the lid can be taken away has they will be strong enougth to cope without the lid on ,It's now time to get them into the grow medium that you are gonna use,air on the side of caution though if it is a hydroponic grow has the roots will need to get far bigger before large ammounts of water are added to them,if you are useing a hydroponic set up then i would advice upgradeing the cube size and put them back in the same area has they was when they was in the propagator.once the roots show through the bigger cubes the clones are normaly strong enougth to take abit of nutes now and be set in the hydro sytem.If useing soil has soon has the roots show through the small cubes then i put them straight into a small pot and add a small ammout of nutes,and within 7 days you will start to see the young clones start to grow.Any more questions inbox me good luck,tyke