Taking your experience/recommendations on organic hydro nutrients


I had iguana juice but it smells so bad. (I know theres a few different ones-this one is mostly shellfish extract.) Mine is not expired either, it smells good,earthy,fresh in the bottle but two days in Res the whole place smells like rotton shrimp.
I'm using synthetic atm but I have a bad feeling about chemicals..

I did a little research and found a few different organic nutrients with seaweed,bat guano, kelp, etc in the ingredients.

Im thinking this will be bearable. Anyone?


Active Member
There is an organic subforum which might be a better bet. Lots of people grow with chems and they're fine. It's easier with chems imo. It's a personal pref.


hey. i made this post in organics but remade it here due to not many replies. I thought hydro would be a better section for hydro growers.


Well-Known Member
look up "Dyna-Gro" on here and I think the results speak for themselves. Easy 1 part grow, bloom, and silica.. all great products. I use them with AN bud candy, big bud, and Atami Bloomtastic to finish it up before flushing


hey guys thanks for the info. I think Ill be getting some of teh hydro organics. It seems about what Im looking for. When I say organic I mean once raw materials such as bat guano, decomposed kelp, etc.. Not "xide, cide, etc" synthetic stuff.