tan roots?


Well-Known Member
Hello all,
Doing my first dwc,I have 6 buckets at this time and all but 2 have bright white roots,the other 2 have a light tan/tan color.the plants are happy and look great and are about 3 1/2' tall.
should I be worried ? or not so much?
seems you read alot about keeping roots white....
Thanks for any advice.
when i started clones they had white roots, then i started adding the newts and they turned a light brown, rosemen told me as long as the plants look good it could be the newts being absorbed by the plants. they went white a couple of days later.


Well-Known Member
i'm new to the hyro world too, i've read high water temps and organic nutes are the biggest culprits of brown root. i had brown root on my last grow and temps were high.