Tango's 2nd Rodeo. 400w dr100 tent and dr80 veg/clone

mango tango

Well-Known Member
Hello fellow members! comments welcome.

this is my 2nd grow-round

What I'm workin with.....

AK-47... on left....DSC_0028.jpg blueberry on right. both about 2 moths old.

they are in a dr 100 tent with a 400 MH. DSC_0024.jpg
i would take a better pic but my camera doesnt zoom out far enough :cry:

cold air intake at the bottom bringing in fresh air. its an 80cfm fan, but even if i dont turn it on, the exhaust fan (435cfm) will draw in air from its suction.

here are my clones.
arranged same at mothers. 2 on left are ak47 2 on right are blueberry ....DSC_0024.jpg

i just took them earlier today. used some clonex gel that was included in my rapid rooters package. cut at a 45 degree, split the stem up the middle about half inch and scraped off skin layer before dipping in gel.

these are my first clones so lets hope they do well!!!

here is the tent right now ...dr80DSC_0027.jpg
i have a 250watt heat lamp in there to keep the room warm otherwise it goes down to 50 degrees (its in my old farm house attic. nothin special but it has vents for fresh air and doesnt give me any heat issues thats for sure!)

in a few more weeks i'll be vegging everything under my 400w and ill upgrade to a 600w when the time comes to flower.

peace :leaf:

mango tango

Well-Known Member
Happy Turkey Day Fellow Members! Get the munchies and eat up!! i am looking forward to those leftovers for sure!

mango tango

Well-Known Member
Transplanted to 5 gal buckets yesterday, they seem to have taken the transplant well ..... DSC_0025.jpg

If you can see in that picture I also super cropped the ak47 cause she was getting pretty tall, and i want to produce as many main colas as possible, here's a few shots of her....DSC_0030.jpgDSC_0027.jpg

other then that, not much progress with the clones, no news is good news i guess. i mist daily and keep the heat mat on.
I'm doin a BlueBerry right now myself. 5 gallon soil bucket at day 65. I'm doin a scrog so its a bit different, but man my BlueBerry is a grower. They are fun girls to have around. Your setup looks top notch though, lovin it.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
I'm doin a BlueBerry right now myself.
pretty awesome i like seeing people with the same plants. she is growing into quite the bush thats for sure. here is one i just snapped today of her...DSC_0026.jpg
she would be bushier but the sides are chopped down cause thats where i took the 2 clones.

Sub'ed up for this... You said you vegged for two months, how tall are your plants exactly
right on! yeah they have been and still are vegging since beginning of october.

the ak47 was a lil over 24 inches before i super cropped her now she is only 16 inches
the blueberry is 12 inches tall and about 22 inches in diameter.

here are some shots of the ak47 i took today almost 24 hrs after i cropped her...



mango tango

Well-Known Member
threw on the timer today to start their 12/12 light cycle. i suppose ill throw on the hps bulb once its cooled down a little.

in a week or 2 ill head over to the hydro shop to grab a 600w setup to get those buds nice n frosty, and so i can move the 400w to my secret jardin dr80 to veg my clones...which by the way are doing ok, a little color loss and some droopy-ness but i suppose thats normal.

any advise on a 600w bulb? ill be using a magnetic ballast cause i like their reliability and i hear they dont blow out bulbs like digitals. i'd like to get a full spectrum bulb so my buds have the mh for frostyness but the hps for big dends buds.

is the extra hundred bucks for full spectrum worth it?? will adding a few t8's to the sides accomplish the same thing?

mango tango

Well-Known Member
both the ak47 and blueberry are growing asymmetrically and have pistils so i know for sure they are ready and lets hope for smooth sailing from here. got em under the 400w hps.

i will use General Hydroponics bloom for the flowering. ive been using their Grow and Micro for veg using it about once a week.

clones are perking up and seem to be ok. ill look for roots in a week. i split their stems in half and i understand that means a longer rooting time.

mango tango

Well-Known Member

its been a week since i took the clones and 3/4 so far have shown roots....

blueberry clone... clonesroots.jpg
ak47 clone the other still has to root... roots.jpg

group shot...see their color loss..i maybe should have flushed my mothers for a week or so longer :wall:...oh well! clonesgroup.jpg

ive kept about a quarter inch of water in the bottom tray with the heat mat on all the time and temps were about 79 and stayed at 95% humidity. their root plugs are really warm which im sure is what promoted them to root fast.

so, im excited...my first try at clones are successful....so far....:-P:-P:-P

mango tango

Well-Known Member
gracias og.

when the time comes ill transplant them to 3gal buckets with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, which is what ive used so far with success.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
Update yall....

got a 600w HPS now in the flower room (secret jardin dr 100) and my 400w MH is in the veg room (secret jardin dr 80). ill post pics when i get around to it.

I'm gunna shoot some bloom nutes into the ladies tonight and see how they do at 1/4 strength.

mango tango

Well-Known Member

i have these clones under the 400w metal halide about 3-4 ft away.

the big ones are blueberry the little ones are ak47. yesterday i gave them 1/4 veg nutes by general hydroponics. thinkin that since now they have roots they can start taking in nutes. did i nute too early?

and are my tips getting burned? should i move back to the t5 light?

my flowering plants are doing great. growing up every day.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
ook time for an update.

We are 2 weeks into flower and the mothers are doing great! their pistils are exploding day by day. they have stretched about a foot too. i literally have the 600W HPS one INCH away from the top of the ak47 and she couldnt be happier. with the air cooled hood i can place my hand right on the glass and it is comfortable.

Im feeding Gen Hydro. Bloom Micro and Grow at about half strength every other feed @ 1 gal. and i recently started to add liquid karma which is a npk value of only .1 .1 .1 so its a very mild organic mix. not that organic matters cause the General Hydro nutes defiantly arent organic.

Clones have been transplanted into 3gal pots with a 1/3 mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Coco Fiber. they are underneath the 400w about a foot or so away and they seem to be doing ok. i think i had a ph problem with the water (mines over 7.5 ph) so i lowered the ph and the light and the clones are finally forming new growth.

I dont have pics cause my cameras lens is too big for the space i can take pictures in. so once i get around to it with my phone ill take pics.

OH NEW SEED ORDER PLACED......3 Tangerine Dream 2 Vanilla Kush 2 pineapple express 2 super lemon haze and a LSD. Ill start those under lights probably in a month. i love the perpetual grow plan i got goin on. im gunna use a few of these seeds to become mothers for outdoor clones this summer.

Will report again soon. Peace

mango tango

Well-Known Member
68 when i use the heat from the light to heat the room. DSC_0012.jpg

when i run the portable heater its whatever i put it at so i put it at 72. the only reason i can pull that shit off is cause i draw in fresh winter air from my attic vents and have a 4 in inline fan pumping air into my 2 tents. that way i can keep the co2 in my room at all times and have a constant supply of fresh air DSC_0001.jpg..you can see the fan before the y connector then it goes straight to my dr100 and to the right it goes to the dr80

mango tango

Well-Known Member
took some pics yall...
DSC_0090.jpg my blueberry got 2 1/2 colas from uncle bens topping technique lol
DSC_0087.jpg whole blueberry plant

DSC_0089.jpgak lower buds
DSC_0086.jpgak47 shot
DSC_0088.jpg ak47 main cola


mango tango

Well-Known Member
here are some shots of the clones that i took a month ago. (Before)DSC_0003.jpg

DSC_0086.jpg...the group. ak47's on left. blueberry on right

DSC_0090.jpg...blueberry top shot
DSC_0087.jpg..new nodal growth on ak. dunno whats up with that leaf lol
DSC_0088.jpg...other ak seems a little more space between nodes

DSC_0089.jpg..ak47 top shot
DSC_0091.jpg..blueberry top shot
DSC_0093.jpg...looks like a little heat stress. i moved the light up a bit to help
DSC_0092.jpg...the tent. you can see the bottom left hand corner where the fresh air comes in.

i'm going to let these bad girls veg another month, and depending on how they are, ill keep 1 or 2 to mother clones this summer or ill throw them in the 600w flower tent.


mango tango

Well-Known Member
WOOT WOOT got my attitude order in yesterday. i will be starting Tangerine Dream, Super Lemon Haze, Pineapple Express Vanilla Kush and LSD very soon!!...im callin it my Fruit of the Loom Grow haha.

Here are some updates folks.

Flower Day 42.

I added a Co2 Bucket...DSC_0267.jpg

AK 47..DSC_0266.jpgDSC_0270.jpg ...i think I'll give 1 more full fertilize feed then Flush for the last 2 weeks.

Blueberry ...DSC_0265.jpgDSC_0264.jpg

Ak47 CloneDSC_0275.jpg
Blueberry clone FIMDSC_0273.jpg...i like this blueberry I think im gunna use her as a mother
clones in full veg...DSC_0272.jpg

Was in Breckenridge a few weeks back for new year..has anyone else smoked GREEN CRACK??? I love that town its "gnarr" haha.

Also added Molasses for the last 4 weeks.

I'm not gettin much criticism so I guess I must be doin OK. I'm so stoked to start some of my new seeds I'll start a new journal for those.

Will Update soon. :bigjoint:

