Tap water seems to messing with PH


This is my first grow and so far it seems to have been going smooth. Went to the local hydro store to buy a PH test and it wont get an exact reading, its always jumping up and down. Told them this they calibrated one for me at the store an sent me home with that and the same problem occurred. They mentioned something about my tap water being really high. What are the options to fix this, there is a local water filtering company that sells water by like 5-10 gallons and its all filtered, should i try and go there?



even just straight tap water the PH meter just keeps rising, my PH meter is a Checker by Hanna my water is cloudy at points when it comes out of the faucet.


Well-Known Member
you want water that is low or no ppms in it the water that you are talking about is it filter or ro water


Well-Known Member
You can not worry about ph issues with plain water. Mix a gallon with nutes and then check it. Normally for the first 24-36 hours of a new res change i will see a rise then i reset it and it stays damn near perfect.


Active Member
.I use tap waterall the time, mine has 250 PPM or mineral good ness that my plants need and you pay for Like Cal, Mg, PO, PHO, Chlorine ( yes plants need chlorine). If it’ssafe to drink, its Safe for your plants. Two thing to remember when using tapwater, One let it run for 30 secs or so to get it out of your pipes.. If yout ake a cup right off, it will be different then if you let it run for a sec.

I can use my tap water to TEST my pens. My Tap is 6.5-250 all the time. So before I check my rez I wash the pens off in fresh tap water and check thereading, If it off from 6.5-250 I Calibrate my pens and check again. Sometimes Local water does change PH or PPM mostly after Hard, Heavy rains, or Drought.

Now I do use RO/DO water for my Salt Water Reef Tanks, Because of the Po3 in MYtap water.

I also use Excel for my grow logs and I keep all the PH-PPM of my Tap and all the different bottled waters at Wall Mart and Local stores, they are all different,and no matter what anyone says, you need to test them to see what they truly are.

For example, I like to use the Wall Mart Distilled water for my Reef Tanks,because its 8.0 PH and 005- PPM, But I use the WM drinking water 7.0-006 for my plants because it has high Phosphate (Po3) in it, good for plants , but bad for Reef tanks.

On a last note, remember any and all bottles water or RO water comes from Tap to start, So the bottled water can change also 1) if weather effected were thewater is bottled and 2 because it sits make sure to “Shake UP" the jugbefore you test it. RO/DO water should not change PPM but can change PH.

Also you can call your local water people and ask for a FREE water analysisreport. If you PAY they will take one at you house, ( no need) just ask for theMunicipal one on file, its free and you can see ALL the goodness or evil inYOUR tap water, otherwise you are just guessing

I currentlyhave 1 plant week 5 flower using DWC with tap water and 1 plant in week 1 offlower in a DWC with RO/RO water only.. Both look great so far.