Nicely stated! Your right, it is all about freedom. I guess its how people take advantage of the freedoms to spread hate that bothers me.......
I will answer your questions:
What is the evidence that the tea-party people generally are engaged in this behaviour ? What in their objectives is defined by hate ? - part 1) no evidence, just experienced some conversations with some. part 2) Objectives and actions are 2 seperate things. Objectives are a goal, actions are what are important. You can say your objective is anything you want, but your actions speak louder than words.
I've seen nutjobs of all types in all groups. You can't generalize. - Your right, I cant.... and I apologize because I did. And your right, they are everywere! LOL
Are all Muslims complicit in terrorist acts by their fellow worshippers ? They are denounced, and the core values of the religion persist. - I say if they are affiliating themselves with terrorist groups then yes, they are complicit. Just like our chistian militias, you cant say all christians are in a militia or terrorist group, but the ones affiliating themselves with it would be complicit as well. They are denounced and their core values persist. But it does'nt mean they should be discriminated on for being christians. We do have the right to be any religion, even Islamic.
I do think the majority of the tea party represents hatred and maybe not even realize it?, every one of them I have talked to (in person) shed a little light into their prejudice, and most of it is racist, and discriminatory. they may make a joke about it...and not realize it.... but its still totally racist, and discriminatory (or should I say supremist) and it doesnt stop there...... its religious prejudice, its sexual preference prejudice, basicaly anything different is doom and gloom.
Like I said I think the tea party would have more attraction to people like me if the hatred we see and hear wasnt there, you can still be passionate with out being hateful and hurtful.
I respect peoples right to free speach.....absolutley! with the exception to hate speach, because it will lead to hate crimes....absolutely. I'm not saying everyone needs to get along or love each other, I'm saying there is a civil way of emotionally interacting without the hate speach. But the majority of the tea party and the Republicans are not interested in civility right now, they are more intent to drive a divide in the country......... and they are succeeding in this with hate.
I try to be middle of the road with regards to my political views, believe it or not I do have some conservative views, some moderate views, and some liberal views. But what I find interesting is all this hate, ect.... I speak of is shifting me more towards the left (I find myself defending the demacrats). And its shifting the republicans more towards the right, when we should be coming to the center to get through all of this. All I'm seeing is separation, even when I try to come together and compromise all I get is "I hope your side fails" isnt this about all our sides, working together even if we disagree. Its all about their way or the highway, they know best. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, no matter what anyones opinion says, theres always another way of doing things correctly.
Again, nicely stated. I have a bit more hope now, thanks for pickin me up a bit..... I been depressed lately from all this.