tea question/will my numbers be too high?


I am making 2 separate teas fr my plants, a high N one for veg (Mexican bat) and a high P one for flower (Indonesian bat). I am using 2 tbsp/gal ...now my question is:

1. Can I also use blood meal for the veg tea / bone meal for the flower tea along with the guanos? If so, how much do I use per gal?

2. If I can't use blood/bone meal in tea due to burning or some other issue, how would I go about making tea out of just the meal? I know people make blood meal tea but I can't seem to figure out how much to use per gal...I see lots of warnings about burning though!

3. I also plan on putting in 1tbsp molasses into my tea, if I add in the molasses along with the guano and meal, will my numbers be too high?

+rep for info. Any and all suggestions and recommendations more than welcome.


I use alpha meal, and worm castings also with guano. Alpha is real great.
what is alpha meal? is it the same thing as alfalfa meal?

also do you know if my numbers will be too high if i use the guano with the blood meal and molasses?