techniques for growing huge plants outdoors!

dr danky doodle

Active Member
So I see a couple people have Monster marijuana plants growing and it seems that everyone on riu is envyous of them kiss-ass
So i was wondering if anyone would like to share information on how to grow huge plants. If i were to try and grow the biggest plant possible this is what i would do, from the info i have gathered:
i would... first i would build some raised beds about 4 feet tall and fill them with a mix of vermiculite, Perlite, worm castings, bat quano, compost and high quality soil. and a couple dead fish in the middle. Then i would take my 2 foot plants that have been vegging indoors for ?? many weeks, and transplant them into the raised beds as soon as the last frost. plant them in the most sunny spot possible and let them grow naturally without topping. give lots of water and i dont even think you would have to worry about nutrients if you mixed all that stuff in the first place. Experienced monster growers feel free to hit us up with your ways as you will obviously be the most reputable source. anyone else share ideas n whatever :peace:


Well-Known Member
that is similiar to what i did for my outdoor except i topped them and they ended up being 9 foot tall bushes i would just highly recomend using nutrients throughtout your whole grow


Well-Known Member
I mix supersoil, peatmoss , and sheep manure in my containers.Seems to work good.I always give it 20-20-20 through veggin but at 1/4 to half strength.This year I'v got white Widow clones from a buddy.I'v grew Nothern lights and skunk before.All were close in size.


Active Member
i got 2 8 foot plants, will post pics when i get home tomorrow, i just started them early. Im from the uk and i started mine april, they have huge buds on them now. They only had cheap asda compost and no nutes at all.


Well-Known Member
Step 1 is to grow a plant that can get giant.
Step 2 is bigger the roots the bigger the plant and a longer growing period.


Active Member
The biggest thing I learned this season is how important the amount of sun is. The difference it made for me was two identical plants, same age, but one got about three hours more sunlight a day. One grew to about 5 feet with about 3 hours of sunlight a day, with a couple nice side branches, but all around a skinny plant. The other plant got about 6 hours of sunlight a day (the extra 3 being morning light) and is about 7-7.5 feet tall. Looks like a fucking christmas tree. Gigantic side branching, buds much denser than the other plant. It also produced much more resin which covered a greater area of vegetative matter. That's what I saw this year. Simple sun. I took it to mean that taking a greater risk and planting in the open can exponentially increase yield. You can take it as you may.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a pic? what did you use for soil? Nutes, molasses?
This is mine grown on my balcony frm seed. It is olny just over 4' tall
Would anyone know the strain?


Well-Known Member
you can always start vegging them around december indoors for those 4 months and then transplant outside then you get the 2 months extra veg outdoors then it flowers


Well-Known Member
Sun, air, water thats it thats all! This applies to indoor or outdoor. Sun, air, water is all you need anything else is icing on the cake potentially!


Well-Known Member
if you want to go to the absolute max...
for each plant, dig a hole 3ft deep by 4-6x4-6
fill it with the best stuff you can find. mushroom compost plus guano plus worm castings plus vermiculite, etc. etc. if you have good compost, mix some in.
veg your plants as long as you can, or start them in pots in a greenhouse. when they're about 2ft high, plant them in the ground AT AN ANGLE. (approx. 60degrees)
encourage lateral growth, actively stake down side branches as they reach for the sky.
install a metal grating with 6inch square holes in it about a foot above the soil in order to spread growth evenly (check out the SCROG indoor technique for a good idea of how this works. recommend metal stakes at the corners of your bed to hold the grating up.
you're looking to train the branches as far OUT from the stalk base as you can while still early in the season. Don't worry, the middle WILL fill in eventually. at around the 4 foot mark, install another grate and thread the branches through the holes, tying if necessary to achieve even spread. to give you some example of the size we're talking, I've seen plants using this technique with diameters of 8 feet. (needless to say, this is with near perfect sun exposure and AMPLE fertilization and watering. Guano/Compost Teas with added molasses, top-fed bone meal, etc. (be very careful about what kind of guano you're using, I.E. the NPK and particularly the soluble vs. insoluble P. You want the N as high as it comes. I found one that was rated at 9-3-3, but that shit was expensive. Or just use MaxSea)
at some point (about 3 weeks ago) you want to get the final spread established, then you can just let them go for it. If you played your cards right, you should end up with 20 or more evenly spaced, same-height colas. First few weeks of flowering, go heavy on the molasses, and mix up some nutrients high in PK, little to no N. (just buy a different kind of guano, like 0-5-0, and add K with something else.

Needless to say, this looks like 20 or more plants from the sky, so either do this somewhere where its quasi-legal or be prepared for some helicopters.

Theory: having this be in the ground absolutely precludes any possibility that roots will be stunted by coming up against the edges of the raised bed. I'm not sure what this does to the aeration of the soil, but you should be able to compensate by making a lighter mix.

I've grown 6 pounders with this, and I've heard of monsters that can yield up to 12.


Active Member
wow bro thats a sick ass idea.. ive herd or an outside scrog but that sounds hella nice ive never really gave it that much though u got a pic? and were did u get the screen? how thick is it.. cause i was thinkin bout that style but with the orange fencing or somethin or that nature but this sounds way sturdier and i can just screw id along the edges of my green house at 2 dif levels.. like maybe 2 ft and 6 feet or somethin the lower screen just controls the bottom branching right? so it can further branch from there right.

the top screen or grait or watever would be bud sites (colas) correct? and thanks man this would be perfect to maximize my greenhouse grow, thanks Bro..


Well-Known Member
sorry, no digital camera.
I use grating that's pretty thick, like rigid stand-up on its own, not from a roll.
(comes in 4x6ish sizes, purrfect.)
the lower is to spread the growth as far out as possible from the stalk, while the upper is to continue the spread but also ensure even spacing of the what will be the colas. unless you want to put yet another layer on though, by the time harvest happens the cola sites themselves will be 3 or more feet above the grate. also can't emphasize enough not to worry about the very middle of the plant, it always fills in with shoots.
yeah, its perfect for a perfect situation. Greenhouse or quasilegal yard outdoor. would NOT try this shit in any kind of a backwoods situation, way too visible, way too water intensive, way too much dirt. better off with soilbags. Another thing is pay attention to the stalk base and be really alert for any cracking. you can push these plants amazingly far, but you definitely want to tie the base up with rubber if you start to see any fissures. again, the greenhouse might be great for this because you don't have any branches shaking in the wind. good luck!


Active Member
thanks man i was honestly thinkin bout somethin similar but this blows my plans outta the water. just a few question my friend; u say soil bags, would u recommend that in a greenhouse aswell. i was planning on makin a nice deep bed of fresh soil and compost and put a grait around the bottom at around 2 ft or so imma screw one side of it to the studs on the side walls all the way around. ill leave about 2 ft in the middle for walkin but i was thinkin i was just gonna plant right in the ground would this not be advisable? also u say to put some type of rubber on the stalk, can u explain this and sorry if im buggin however u would help me out sooo much with ur expertise. it would save me from the headache of runnin into crap later on.

ok also once theyve been set in the bottom screen is there much give for the upper cola placin screen.. i was thinkin unless i get that right on it would probly cause problems. i know this can with stand alot but im pretty sure if i were to have the bottom one to low it would put alot of pressure on the lower stalks while im tryin to place the upper branches in there approperiate spots.. thanks bro for any advise u can spare and for the already loads of ideas uve gave me..
and p.s. im a medical grower so i dont give a shit if the president himself flys over my greenhouse ill puff a Joint and throw up the peace sign lol ;-)

oh i almost forgot im not sure if u mentioned or not but did u get ur screen from home depot or some other large place like it? cause im thinkin the bottom one would have to be sturdy to keep the bottom stalks from movin outta there place and i dont think somethin like chicken wire would in place good enough.. once again thanx for all ur help!!


Active Member
oh i forgot.. haha my greenhouse is 6ft by 8ft.. and it maxes out at 8tf tall but the roof is detachable so im not worried bout height restrictions.. however u think 4 beautiful sativas would be too much for that area? i suppose if it get to full i can just let em shoot up but yea i think ill be better off just check my local scrap metal yard for grate i suppose.. thanks bro take it easy.


Well-Known Member
You just need a safe good growing location, good dirt, Great sunshine, and you will be set. I have 50 plants right now that are all over 10' tall! The tallest is at 16 n 1/2'!!!! The Northen Lights seems to love to grow big, but for that matter any plant in the right growing situation will thrive to its fullest potential. Good Luck!