Technology of Today?


Active Member
Hello all

With the ever mounting increases in technology of the past and the future it is guaranteed that on a regular basis a new form of technology will provide us with better growing and more efficient results. I would like the users of the forum to make contributions to this thread with new lighting solutions or advances in current devices including but not limited too LED lighting. Please remember this sub-forum is for LED and other lighting.

So please only comment in this thread with current, new or future concept growing lights. This thread will allow people to see all the current LED and other lights available but also include devices that will be available in the future. Please make sure you include a picture and the following in your post.


  • Name
  • Brand
  • Price
  • Power Consumption
  • Size
  • Area Covered
  • Light Emitted (colour temp)
  • Light Output (lumens)
