Temazy jazzy aka temazepam


Well-Known Member
Was addicted to benzos for three years. Will say these bitches are fucking hell to come off of. You will need medical help to get off anyway. Every now and then though I would find this unique benzo most have not heard about in the states. Its name is temazepam. Its weak compared to other benzos, but once you hit the right dose its super euphoric. Its the most unique benzo that is out there, it gives you a good amount of euphoria, extreme muscle relaxation, and this unique feel the other benzos seem to lack. Anybody else get that from this drug. I have tried xanax, valium, lorazepam oxazepam, clonopin, clonazlam, diclazepam, temazepam, triazolam, chloreprexide and even soma (not a benzo). This euphoria and feeling is a little closer to soma in my opinion especially with the loss of motor control. Soma and temazepam both have this wall bangers affect. Temazepam in my opinion is once of the kings of benzos. Xanax has nothing on temazepam. If you have a high tolerance to benzos temazepam may not be the best, but its one of the best

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I know temezapam as jellies, duck eggs or rugby balls, they also come in a tablet for but the jelly is more popular... its been a number of years since I dabbled I certainly wouldn't describe them as euphoric but if you take magic mushroom a couple of jellies and joint turns a horrible come down into something enjoyable.
You need a early 90s E to experience euphoria lol.

I need to add they are really bad fucking news highly addictive I'm not recommending them!!!
I'm mearly saying IF you do take jellies but my advice would be DON'T.
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Well-Known Member
Was addicted to benzos for three years. Will say these bitches are fucking hell to come off of. You will need medical help to get off anyway. Every now and then though I would find this unique benzo most have not heard about in the states. Its name is temazepam. Its weak compared to other benzos, but once you hit the right dose its super euphoric. Its the most unique benzo that is out there, it gives you a good amount of euphoria, extreme muscle relaxation, and this unique feel the other benzos seem to lack. Anybody else get that from this drug. I have tried xanax, valium, lorazepam oxazepam, clonopin, clonazlam, diclazepam, temazepam, triazolam, chloreprexide and even soma (not a benzo). This euphoria and feeling is a little closer to soma in my opinion especially with the loss of motor control. Soma and temazepam both have this wall bangers affect. Temazepam in my opinion is once of the kings of benzos. Xanax has nothing on temazepam. If you have a high tolerance to benzos temazepam may not be the best, but its one of the best
Wow, another tranq aficionado!

I was one as well. Now all any of them do is put me to sleep and hang me over when I wake up.

My favorite of all time is (was) miltown (meprobamate).

I believe it may be among your favorites as well as it meprobamate is the principle metabolite of carisoprodol, also known as soma.

Next in line for me was good old fashion valium.

In my opinion it is the best of breed.

See, my theory is that the less targeted, the more specific a drug is, the less fun.

Alprazolam is a nearly pure anziolytic, it does nothing more than eradicate anxiety.

All well and good for those who are on edge but hardly a bullseye for a laid back person.

But diazapam also exhibits skeletomuscular effects that sweeten the experience.


10 mg on a perfectly empty stomach in the morning with a shot of grapefruit juice ( you DO take your tranqs with grapefruit juice dont you?) Resulted in my being enclosed in a serenely majestic, crystalline bubble separating me ever so delicately from the rest of the world.

Flunitrazipam was in the same vein but it and midazolam too often interfered with my recent memories

Oxazepam and lorazepam were just too subtle.

I liked temazepam but was never enthralled.

Of course, not really a tranq but having every effect you and I have craved, methaqualone, was the best by far.

Yes. The best.


Well-Known Member
I know temezapam as jellies, duck eggs or rugby balls, they also come in a tablet for but the jelly is more popular... its been a number of years since I dabbled I certainly wouldn't describe them as euphoric but if you take magic mushroom a couple of jellies and joint turns a horrible come down into something enjoyable.
You need a early 90s E to experience euphoria lol.

I need to add they are really bad fucking news highly addictive I'm not recommending them!!!
I'm mearly saying IF you do take jellies but my advice would be DON'T.
Must be the doves or the phase 4's
Club Havana , eclipse to name a couple

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Must be the doves or the phase 4's
Club Havana , eclipse to name a couple
Yes doves in particular were fucking amazing, the club scene was great in the early 90s then fuck heads started attending looking to drink and generally cause trouble, I much preferred the drugs only scene it was a brilliant time.