temperature and humidity


Active Member
What is a good temperature and humidity to keep your grow room at ? My current setup has a humidity of 19% and a temperature range between 68 and 86 degrees. It is also only yielding about a pound per 2000 watts so I must be doing something wrong


Well-Known Member
damn only 19% r/h. wish my 2 rooms were 19%. shit im vegging between 45%-65%. and going to need to buy a dehumidifier for my flower room this week or next week. temps are 72* lights off and 79* lights on.


19 percent I am new shouldn't it be around 45 to 60 % durning veg and 45 to 55 durning flowering? Just wondering myself?


Well-Known Member
Vegging around 65% RH. Temps can be anything from 18C/65F to 28C/89F

Flowering ideal RH 40-55%. Temps around 18C/65F to 24C/75F.

The less temperature drops at night helps to slow some of the stretch after switching to 12/12.

I try to keep my room between 22C/71F to 24C/75F consistently through veg and flowering.
