Temperature at canopy level in flower room


I have a new flower room (within a furnace room) that has a 5' X 6' footprint with a 5' ceiling. My is a Blackstar XXXL reflector, closed air cooling system that draws air from one room and dumps it into another room. This air is being moved by a 6" fan with an adjustable switch. I have a 1000w bulb run on a Lumatek digital balast that is mounted outside of my flower room. Within the flower room, I have two oscillating fans -- the really tall vertical kind to save space. One fan is set to blow air through the canopy, and another is set to blow air over the top of the canopy. I also another 6" exhaust fan mounted at the top of the flower room with passive draw on the opposite at the bottom. So, there is a lot of really good air circulation through the flower room.

Ok, here is the issue. My six plants are looking A M A Z I N G -- in fact, they are a bit over-crowded in my room (second week of flower), but this is my first grow so I am not fretting about that issue. At the height of the flowers, my temperature is reading 85 degrees when the light is on, but my temperature within the canopy and at the base of the flower room is less than 78 degrees. The flower tops are roughly 24" from the glass panel on my hood. With a simple hand test -- that is, holding my hand between the glass panel of the hood and the top of the flowers -- I have no concern. In fact, I can actually hold my hand right on the glass and it feels just fine. There are no indications of heat stress. However, I don't know if I should be concerned about my air temperature at the top of the canopy because it is hitting that 85 degree mark without CO2 supplementation. The ambient temperature within the flower room within the canopy or at the base is almost equal to the ambient temperature in the furnace room (although the flower room is maybe 2-3 degrees warmer).

Right now, decreasing the temperature through a larger draw of air through the flower room isn't really an option. If the temperature is a concern, I can move the plants down a few inches to the cooler air (currently they are on a system of adjustable milk crates for height, since the hood is fixed). Or, I can dial the ballast back to 75% -- both of which would reduce the air temperature at the canopy, but I really want to keep these babies basking in as much light as possible.

What are your thoughts on this matter?



Well-Known Member
I'm having heat issues to got 400w mh/hps In 4x2x5 tent with a 4" 109cfm sucking exhaust with just flaps open on other side got tower fan and clip fan on other side but stays 90 about 6-7" above canopy I should measure it down a bit also good idea ! I just ordered 10" desk fan to blow on light better the 6" works but not good with how way it's clamped to the 90 degree angle of tent corner lol


Well-Known Member
If your plants look happy, and your happy dont change anything.
or change your set up. Put the plants back on the floor and lower your lights.
your in a furnace room. I take its forced air, I take it that your using the furnace. The duct work gets hot when the furnace is running. Insulate your duct work in the room.
you have a 6" exhaust fan. Is it a 6" inline duct fan? If so your not removing enough CFM from your room.
do the simple things first. Move the plants away from the heat (lower then) and your lights. Abate heat sources. If that doesn't work get a bigger exhaust fan or mod a fan you all ready have. If that doesn't work maybe think about a cool tube reflector.


Well-Known Member
Put some co2 up in that bitch and the plants can tolerate higher temps, + higher yeilds. of course the ideal temp is 70's but it seems like you're doing great!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
IMO taking temps at canopy level in direct light from your lamp then you're gonna get a high reading.

I ALWAYS take canopy readings just out of direct light light amongst the canopy, this way its closer to what the plants are feeling.

24" for an air cooled 1000w above your canopy is excessive.

I used to use a 600w air cooled blockbuster hood and the plants could touch the glass. I used to keep that about 6" off the canopy.

IMO 1000w air cooled should be between 8"-18" away from the canopy.

Try taking the temp just out of direct light and see what it reads.
