The ideal temperature for plants is 72ºF - 75ºF (22ºC - 24ºC) during daytime and 62ºF - 67ºF (16ºC - 19ºC) during nighttime
Humidity would be
1. Clones/seedlings - 80-95%
2. Vegative - 60-70%
3. Flowering - 40-60%
To raise humidity put a bucket of water neer plants under light, to lower, add de-humidifiers which you can buy in local supermarkets.
CO2 - the higher the temperature the more CO2 the lower the temperature, the less CO2, keep that in mind when having problems.
The CO2 around the world is aproximatly 0.03-0.04% (300-400ppm)
Increasing this to 0.12-0.15% (1200-1500ppm) will make the plant grow up to a 30% faster but can be toxic to humans when being that high so be careful.