TEMPS and outside light

What would be an effective way to naturally reduce tent Temps
Also, how bad are light leaks actually?
Even if the leak is no wider than a safety pin


Well-Known Member
Naturally reducing tent temps, will be different depending on your light setup. So without knowing that, I can't really help with that. But ANY light leak isn't good, period! If you have light leaks seal them up. If they are on the tents stitching seams, use some sort of RTV silicone (preferable black), to seal the pin holes.


Well-Known Member
What's the ambient temp in the room? Where do you vent? Same room? You need to vent the heat outside the room where the tent is housed.
See that's what's off to me.. my ambient on average is 80 but inside the tent when fully closed it can get to 91 easily
I have the ac infinity but I really don't use it now bkuz the smell of gas is no longer an issue
I run my lights from 5pm to 5am .. but when the lights is off my Tent Temp is mid 80's ... but yeah a real AC seems to be the only alternative as of now