temps. need to no a lil more

ok so with my set up it gets to about 80 average but sometimes can climb to 85.i do have a fan on it but i have little space to add a bigger fan

i no thats high so what is some side effects of this.

shes growing really good tho thick stock nice green . started showing preflower 4 days ago and seeing new calyxes ever day. no burnt leafs. new sets evey 2-3 days

any info will help


Active Member
my temps are high also could never quite get them right they run about 75-80 all the time and my plants are find id say if they start going over 85 open your setup and let some air in....do you have an exhaust on your setup? its a must
ok i have them in a large box withe a fan blowing in and i have 2 square 6 inch holes straight ahead behind the plant so the air gos from the fan hits my plant then gos right out the hole in the back. its works i blew smoke by the hole and theres deffinetly air rushing out . and thats what i do every hour i open the box up and its at 85 then it drops to a about bo but i dont wanna leave the box open cuz i have dogs and mice problems since my setup is on the floor i just dont wanna take the chance of fucking shit up if i leave the door open all day ya no


Active Member
I gotcha I recomend getting a good exhaust fan and exhaust all of the hot air from the top of your grow area into your attic or just outta the grow box....it should take your temps down you also need a way to exhchange fresh air or the plants will get oxygen bound....
I gotcha I recomend getting a good exhaust fan and exhaust all of the hot air from the top of your grow area into your attic or just outta the grow box....it should take your temps down you also need a way to exhchange fresh air or the plants will get oxygen bound....
thanks man ill get on that. i think im just ganna get a little pc fan or 2 and put them in there to blow the air out


Rebel From The North
I say if it looks good and it 80 let it do its thing, maybe upgrade the cooling fan. 85 is geting high. post some pic and a salution could
be given a bit easyer