Terpenes and Cannabis: 5 Minutes of Cannabis Science

See original article: Steep Hill Halent Laboratories

Strawberry Cough macro of terpenoid (and cannabinoid) rich trichomes.

Mankind has been infatuated with terpenes for literally thousands of years, enjoying the aromas and flavors in beer, candy, perfumes, fruits, incense, and much more. In addition to the smells and tastes, we have continuously benefited from the diverse array of the medicinal and nutritional aspects found in terpenes. Terpenes likely make up the single largest family of chemical compounds available, from across the planet, to herbalists and apothecaries alike for use in compounding remedies and medicine.

Isopropene, C5H8

Isoprene is a five carbon long molecule that is the basis of all terpenes. Think of each five carbon isoprene as a single chain link. Terpenes are constructed of these chain links, such that most terpenes are 5, 10, 15, up to 40 carbons long. Limonene and Linalool are both 10 carbons long, or contain 2 isoprene chain links, whereas Phytol, being a larger more oily molecule, contains 20 carbons or 4 isoprene links.

Any given terpene can be found to exist in an amazing variety of different plants. For instance, ß-Caryophyllene is found in black pepper, cloves, some cannabis sativa strains, rosemary and hops.Cannabinoids are a special subset of the terpene family in that they are only produced in the cannabis plant. Not surprisingly, the heated/vaporized smoke of cannabis contains up to 50% terpenes, withcannabinoids normally accounting for 10-20% and the other terpenes accounting for another 10-30%.

In most cases, the larger the terpene molecule, the more viscous and less vaporous it is. Limonene evaporates very quickly, with a pungent fragrance: similar to acetone. Cannabinoids, on the other hand, are much larger molecules, are nearly solid at room temperature and have only a faint odor: similar to pine pitch. The size and structure of the terpene also determines factors such as how soluble it is in water, ethyl alcohol, oil, or other solvents, how easily it decomposes from heat, light and air, along with many other factors.

Plants use terpenes in several ways. Certain fragrant terpenes attract bees and other animals that carry the plant’s pollen to other plants; this is not the case for cannabis since its pollen is carried in the wind. Other terpenes are utilized defensively, either as an irritating warning to drive away herbivores that would eat the plant, or to attract predators of the herbivore. After hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary refinement of terpenes in plants, it’s no wonder that humans are so strongly attracted to some terpenes and repulsed by others.

Citronellol is a monoterpenoid found in roses, commonly used as a concentrated oil in perfumes.

As mentioned earlier, terpenes offer the single largest array of different odors and tastes available to a single class of chemical compounds. If you have any doubt of this, notice that terpenes make up the majority of components in flavoring agents in food, candy and perfume. No industry has studied fragrance more intensely than the perfume and food industries. For instance, both make large use of three closely related forms of Limonene. One of the forms smells mostly like tangerine, another smells like lemon, and the last like grapefruit. Furthermore, combinations of these three forms of Limonene can create different odors from the original three, depending on the amounts and ratios used. The perfume industry knows these facts well, and has likely researched and documented these similarities and differences in terpenes, more than any other institution.

The wide array of medicinal properties of terpenes and the fact that each terpene has many different medical benefits gives rise to the overlapping synergies between them; this is something every herbalist knows. The strategy of deliberately overlapping benefits greatly increases the chances of good results in treatment.

For instance, it’s well known that ß-Myrcene is the most commonly found terpene in cannabis, often in the highest concentrations. Myrcene is found in largest amounts in hops, aged mango, bay leaves, and lemongrass. Its odor varies but is commonly described as an herbal, balsamic, rooty, and spicy aroma. Its medicinal properties are well known, most prominently for its use in the treatment of pain and inflammation. Because of its calming effect both mentally and physically, it is also used to treat psychosis and muscle spasms. It’s properties are also used synergistic with other terpenes, such as THC for pain, THC-A for inflammation, CBD and Linalool as an antipsychotic, and with all three, THC, THC-A and CBD in the treatment of muscle spasms.

The Limonenes are also abundant in cannabis, second only to Myrcene. Limonenes are found in the peel of citrus fruit, in other fruits and many flowers. They have a sweet, fresh fruity odor: the citrus aroma being unmistakable. Limonenes have antidepressant, anxiety-relief, immuno-stimulant (similar to garlic), anti-tumor, and anti-fungal/bacterial properties, and also aid in treating gastric reflux including treatment of esophageal ulcers. Limonenes can be used topically as an antiseptic agent and are used to repel insects: the leaves of the lemon or grapefruit tree are used for this purpose. Limonenes have synergies with THC-A, CBD-A, CBC-A, CBC, CBC, CBG, Caryophyllene Oxide, and Linalool.

Phytol is another interesting terpene, different from most others, offering yet other medicinal options to a patient. Phytol is one of the breakdown products of decomposed chlorophyll. Its aroma is floral and balsamic in nature. It is an immunosuppressant, and impedes the activity of Aflatoxin (a mycotoxin) in the body. It is used as a topical to reduce itching (thereby reducing the urge to scratch) and to treat slow-healing tissue wounds. Phytol is a non-toxic yellow pigment suitable for dying foodstuffs.

A good example of a synergistic mixture of terpenes would be in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain and inflammation, and muscle tension associated with it. A tincture containing a mixture of THC-A, THC, CBD-A, CBD, CBG-A, and Myrcene would be effective overlapping synergies in the treatment of pain, swelling and spasms. This could be accomplished by mixing 1 part of cold-extracted Harlequin strain with 2 parts hot-extracted Harlequin. This is because the Harlequin’s main ingredients are CBD-A and THC-A in a 5:2 ratio. Cold extracted, the CBD-A, THC-A and CBG-A are preserved. In hot-extracted Harlequin, the CBD-A and THC-A are converted into CBD and THC. Myrcene is mostly unchanged by heating. Remixing these extracts produces the vital combination of medicinal compounds needed. If you think about it, it’s truly amazing that one strain can offer patients two different sets of medicinal properties, depending on whether or not the cannabis was heated.

Different strains of cannabis contain different amounts of the various terpenes (including cannabinoids). As a result, different diseases and disorders are more effectively treated by some strains than others. Reviewing the test results at Steep Hill Halent Laboratories has shown that different phenotypes of the same strain can have very different compositions of terpenes. Growers see first hand that the most common Jack Herer phenotype is green and sweet smelling, but that a green dank phenotype also occurs. The same is true for many strains, and has been known to lead to confusion for growers when they expect a specific aroma from a plant but instead smell something different; it’s one way of determining different phenotypes.

Jack Herer [flower] HPLC Cannabinoid and Terpenoid Profile

On a daily basis, it’s actually very difficult to avoid encountering terpenes all around us, the fragrances in the air, cosmetics (as solvents and scents), medicine, candy, breakfast cereal and even in air fresheners. Their anti-bacterial/fungal abilities are used as preservatives and stabilizers. Terpenes are an amazing family of chemical compounds.
Interesting information, by the way do you know the levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC contained?
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OH OH oh oh ohh!!!!! Ok, so would it be beneficial to put peat moss bags in hydroponics for the purpose of releasing beneficial terpenes into the water to help prevent root molds?

Can also use "driftwood" to do the same thing, it's what we use in fishtanks to add terpenes to the water, to benefits the fish. Helps the water be more "natural and nice" to them...