Terpenes: QUISO vs QWET vs BHO


Well-Known Member
I've been able to come out with a lot of very tasty BHO Shatter. Done a couple of decent tasting QWETs. It was green but tasted alright. Never spent all to much time testing with Ethanol. But I'm pretty sure that I could've tweaked my process and come out with some tastier QWET. Like I said the BHO was coming out so well that I never really pursued the QWETing.

So now I've run into a predicament. I've had to relocate to a new location, and BHO is out of the question. I got a good local source of 99.9% ISO. So I figured QUISO could be my new method for now. I started off way wrong, using my old BHO ways. I grounded 5 freaking bows into powder, like I used to. Totally not paying close enough attention, I unintentionally disregarded the QU part. With the super fine grind, it's impossible to get a quick wash. Even with the big bad vacuum pump. Through my first 10 washes, I've definitely come a long way. As far as improving the color and consistency. But I'm starting to get a little worried about the terp count and flavor! It's gotten better, especially with the 1st and 2nd washes. But damn dude, shit ain't right! I've been able to get the taste to a tolerable neutral likeness, with a very powerful punch. But I swear man some of it has tasted like licking a wet mossy tree!

Please, you guys share your thoughts and experiences with me!
you can get rid of the green taste by putting the solution out in the sunshine in a clear glass vessel, it only take a few hours to de chloraphyl the stuff

Yeah I did that. Refroze with dry ice, and ran it through the Buchner. Got the green out. It's kinda nearly like a slightly red tinted amber now. Don't recall ever seeing this reddish before. About to do a taste trial.

"dope will get you through times of no money, better then money will get you through times of no dope
fabulous furry freak brothers" Bro, that's what I keep trying to tell my Pops! He's been reformed for a couple decades now. I still don't believe the propaganda has completely got him for good though. lmao
Here is how we do QWISO:

Thanks bro! I will read this tonight. I saw you talk about using the vacuum chamber the other day. Ironically, it was the day after I had just left ours at a buddies shop for him to use for awhile. Doa!