Test Kit


hey people I waz woumdering where everyone get there test kit from I order one feom dancesafe bout 3 weeks ago hVent recevied it yet dont tell me I got suckered anyone know how long it takes or should I stop waiting

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I here there are a few places to buy them.

I just make my own. Thats the beauty of predictive reagent tests, very cheap to make.

Here are some preparations that I have used in the past. Finding some of the materials is going to be hard unless you have a chemistry supply in our backyard.

Chemistry Student said:
Reagent Name: Marquis Test


Reagent 1: Add 8-10 drops (approx. 0.25 ml) of 37% formaldehyde solution to 10 ml of glacial acetic acid.

Reagent 2: Concentrated sulphuric acid.


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a depression on a spot plate.

- Add one drop of Reagent 1, then one drop of Reagent 2, and stir.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Mecke Test


Reagent: Dissolve 1 g selenious acid in 100 ml conc. sulfuric acid.


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a small test tube.

- Add one drop of Mecke Reagent.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Simon’s Test


reagent 1: Dissolve 2 g of sodium carbonate in 100 ml of water
(=2% aqueous sodium carbonate solution).

Reagent 2: Dissolve 0.9 g of sodium nitroprusside in 90 ml of water (=1% aqueous sodium nitroprusside solution).

Reagent 3: Mix 10 ml of acetaldehyde solution and 10 ml of ethanol (=50% (v/v) ethanolic acetaldehyde solution).


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a depression on a spot plate.

- Add one drop of Reagent 1 and stir.

- Add one drop of Reagent 2, and then one drop of Reagent 3.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Gallic Acid Test


Reagent: Dissolve 0.1 g of gallic acid in 20 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid (=0.5% (w/v) solution)


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a small test tube.

- Add one drop of Gallic Acid Reagent.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Erlich's Test (aka PDMAB Test)


Reagent: Dissolve 0.5 g p-dimethylaminobenzaledehyde (p-DMAB) in 50 ml ethanol and 50 ml conc. hydrochloric acid.


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a small test tube.

- Add one drop of Erlich's Reagent.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Chen's Test


Reagent 1: Add 1 ml of glacial acetic acid to 100 ml of water (=1% (v/v) aqueous acetic acid solution).

Reagent 2: Dissolve 1 g of copper (II) sulphate in 100 ml of water (=1% (w/v) aqueous CuSO4 solution).

Reagent 3: Dissolve 8 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 ml of water (=2N aqueous sodium hydroxide solution).


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a depression on a spot plate.

- Add 2 drops of Reagent 1.

- Add 2 drops of Reagent 2, then add 2 drops of Reagent 3 and stir.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Mandelin Test


Reagent: Suspend 1 g of finely powdered ammonium vanadate in 100 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid (relative density 1.86).


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a small test tube.

- Add one drop of Mandelin Reagent.

- Observe the color of the mixture.

Reagent Name: Sodium Nitroprusside Test


Reagent 1: Mix 25 ml of a 1% sodium nitroprusside solution with 1 ml acetaldehyde.

Reagent 2: 2% sodium carbonate solution.


- Place a small amount (1-2 mg of powder, or 1-2 drops of a liquid) of the suspected material in a depression on a spot plate.

- Add one drop of Reagent 1 and stir.

- Add one drop of Reagent 2.

- The color is formed immediately after Reagent 2 is added.


Active Member
I received my dancesafe kit after about 4 days if I remember correctly. Email them and let them know you haven't received it yet, and hopefully they will re send it.


Well-Known Member
Dancesafe is a good supplier, email them and ask about it. I dunno if it's still true, but bluelight had a thing where if you bought an eztest.com (i think it's been a long time) through their link they got money.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
I have most of the things I need right here with me. No little bottles around though.

I usually test everything I get, haven't needed predictives for ages though. Had access to some 'sophisticated' equipment.

Its a good idea to test be it powder or press.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I am happy to hear that U got the tools.
I need to find all these locally and will be mixing myself as well.
Looks like a great little project.
Do YOu use the color charts from the website ?

Do you have any data to produce 'Scott' ?


Ellis Dee

Active Member
Its a 3 part reagent. 2% sodium thiocyanate in 1:1 solution of water:glycerine. This should turn blue in the presence of cocaine.
Adding HCl will make it pink.
Adding chloroform will re-emit the blue color in the chloroform layer.

Now while this tells you that cocaine is in it. It doesn't tell you what else is in it.


Well-Known Member
Ellis Dee, I take it you're another chemist?
The stuff to make reagents ain't exactly available at the Home Depot. And there is nothing like having a GC/MS handy. I miss being in the lab.

Ellis Dee

Active Member

But while you probably can't source these at home depot, there are a few hobby chemistry supplies in Canada where I get all my 'hobby' chemicals. I have a few good friends that are able to source some pretty exotic catalysts and so forth and occasionally will sell a portion to me.

And there is no replacement to the GC/MS, besides maybe an HNMR. ;)


Active Member
GC/MS... NMR.... These bring back nightmares from organic chemistry!

Although these two topics did happen to be my strongest area during the course.

To anyone using the dancesafe or ez test, or even your own home made reagents... watch some youtube videos to see what a reaction is supposed to look like. Before I got into the pure chemicals, i really had no idea what a proper reaction was supposed to look like. I'm a bit color blind too, so not using enough pill or powder made it difficult for me to distinguish the color to determine the results. But if you have powder, even a few specs will have a vigorous reaction. If the reaction is weak, your powder is probably cut. Can anyone confirm this for chems other than MDMA?


bud bootlegger
just thought that i'd say i got my test kit from dance safe and it did take maybe a week or two to get to the east coast of the us, not too long..


Well-Known Member
For testing a powder or pill I'd rather use a GC/MS because I'm better at figuring out the purity with it than NMR. Now if only I had access to a lab.


Well-Known Member
I am happy to hear that U got the tools.
I need to find all these locally and will be mixing myself as well.
Looks like a great little project.
Do YOu use the color charts from the website ?

Do you have any data to produce 'Scott' ?

Love the avatar update!
hunter subway.jpg
Good GOD man!!

been making a few more funny ones. lol