Testing outlets with paperclip?


I am Ganjarob, you will probably see me on here, mostly the plant problems section answering questions.
I have been growing for many years and have learned from some people who are very knowledgable.
Results speak for themselves. Any advice I give is based on those results.

Well despite the one sided conversation we just had, it was nice to meet everyone and I look forward to some
two way communication on the rest of the forums...

Weather report: It's always sunny and 75 degrees...


Well-Known Member
That was a lil harsh jordan. The O.P has My attention, and looking forward to see what he or she has to say.


Active Member
I hope the outlets aren't hot when you are doing that, I'll stay tuned though perhaps I'll learn something. I think we need a live action youtube video of this test...I'll either learn something or watch someone fry themselves, pretty cool either way.