Texas and Cannabis cultivation

I just wanted to ask, if any others with more information, about the situation of Texas and legalization; is it a medicinal state; are you able to order seeds and receive it with no problem; what is goin on with TEXAS?


Well-Known Member
Well let me answer your questions as well as I can. We currently have no medicinal cannabis laws and one on the docket at this time. It is a class B misdemeanor if your are caught with under an ounce, simple possession, punishable by jail time and fines. There is HB 184 up for approval that would reduce the penalty for simple possession to a class C misdemeanor and punishable by up to a $500 fine and NO jail time, which is a step in the right direction. I suggest, and plead, you write your house representative and bolster support for the HB 184 as it will be the first step in the right direction. As far as seed are concerned, it is illegal to order them anywhere in the US as it passes through federal mail. However people do order, receive, and grow seeds ordered online. Usually they will make it without incident, be sure to use the stealth shipping option and if your extra paranoid use an alternate address than your grow. Hope this helps, have a great day.