Thailand-Koh Samui Super Strain


First grow here, got full mycelium growth after 4 weeks and moved to fruiting chamber. These are today at 7 days in fc.

Ive got 6 cakes, this is the first noticeable pin but the others are looking promising. I keep the progress updated.


Its an easy cubensis to grow, the flushes should be thick. Its no Amazon, but it still attains a reasonable stature under the right conditions-- and the multiple pin heads that pop up make up for its smaller size in any case. At low doses it can be very visual and euphoric. At high doses it can be a difficult trip to master. I prefer other strains, but on the plus side this should be an easy grow for you.


Picked it up from, it was more of a random choice and was listed as easy to grow. Ill keep updates coming.


Random pics of the Koh Samui I had going on a block of cow dung last summer. 1st pic is the dung well run thru with mycelium. I have never seen a cubensis that will overtake a substrate as quickly as this one. I have this particular strain printed, swabbed and jarred up in my collection. Its an OK strain.
chamber 002.jpg2nd flush 005.jpgxxx 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good, keep it up! Mate sent me some of these the other day, I must say they are at least double the potency of our local cubes:) I had a 3g (dried, powdered and mixed in juice) last night. I'm usually not one to notice much difference between strains aside from potency but last nights trip was a little racy, seems like some peeps could get a fright from these!