That Stink!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol. So what are some normal stink precautions people take? Grow room is in basement. No carbon filter or any of that. Last night, the younger sister comes over. Now this was one minute after i got home from work and i didnt have time to spray or whatnot. The house REEEEKED. Hahhaa. Question being, without getting a crazy duct system and carbon scrubber. What do you guys do?

I have my own house, thats no problem. But its the visitors that get smacked in the face with a lovely MJ aroma.

Wait, what?

Well-Known Member
Someone posted recently that Gonzo's odor neutralizer worked well for him and it's reusable. $7 a bag, not a bad investment


Well-Known Member
When I used to grow incognito, I used a very simple form of odor control that made me look like a clean freak. :) The Walmart here carries a cleaning product called Fabuloso and it comes in 2 flavors, orange and purple. I bought the purple (lavender) and some small dishpan sized plastic containers and some fans. Mix the Fabuloso about 50/50 with water and then place the fan so it blows just over the top of the containers. In the grow area the smell will be fairly strong, but it is more than enough to cover up the odor of many plants and visitors will think you just got done cleaning. Good Luck :weed:

PS You have to change the mixture out every 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
As my grow goes i update accordingly. Filters are not in the budget right now. Considering this is my first serious grow, i had no idea what to expect. I was thinking of just filling every outlet in my house with a febreeze plug in. lol.


Well-Known Member
If an extractor fan and filter isn't an option you could go down the DIY route.



Well-Known Member
Never flush the toilet, better to break it so it never gets used, then the smell of sewage will take over hiding the stink of cannabis...happy you!


Well-Known Member
Never flush the toilet, better to break it so it never gets used, then the smell of sewage will take over hiding the stink of cannabis...happy you!
Best idea yet!! Better yet, i think ill just shit in the corner, and pee in solo cups and place them around the house and in front of my heaters. Hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
If an extractor fan and filter isn't an option you could go down the DIY route.

Will be watching this video in its entirety later. But where would i place this? The center of my grow room?


Well-Known Member
The basement as a whole is 30x20. But its split into three rooms. and my flowering room is 10 x 10. And of course its the room next to my heater and AC unit, separated by a wall.... im sure its just spreading that lovely smell around.


Well-Known Member
Best idea yet!! Better yet, i think ill just shit in the corner, and pee in solo cups and place them around the house and in front of my heaters. Hahahahaha
You can get a dog to do that for you too. Maybe have to train it abit to pee in a solo cup.


Well-Known Member
Just don't invite anyone round that doesn't like to have a smoke, they are probably boring anyway if they don't!!


Well-Known Member
Got a dog for that. But he's too good. And knows he'd be in deep shit if he did. Haha. Its not about that. Some visitors I cant help but to have them over. But most of everyone who knows me, know's I smoke copious amounts, so its a given.


Well-Known Member
what I do is grow a low odour strain. I got a 4 foot cindy bush in my bedroom, 2 weeks into flower and I'm sitting about 2 feet away from it, no smell, nothing. The stems smell like bubblegum but apart from that it could be lettuce. Not even as much as a spray of air freshener needed. Now, considering this shit is always frosty, hard hitting goodness with great bag appeal and post cure smell, it's just win win win win. Why risk anything else. Of course if your quasi legal you might only care a little bit because you want your guests to be comfortable, in which case get a scrubber.


Well-Known Member
Ill keep that in mind to get a low odor strain. When I actually get the balls to order genetics. Right now. Its bag seed. I got a grower friend of a friend out in cali that im going to see if she'll send me some seeds. Keeping it inter-coastal with no customs, is safe-ish right? Better than getting from UK....


Well-Known Member
herbies has good stealth. Do you not have a safe address you could use.. like a buddy or family member? The c99s are pretty inexpensive so worth the gamble if you got safe addy


Well-Known Member
I use two jars of ONA . I punch a few hole in the lids and set it in the room . slow release. I set one just outside my grow room and another in the living room on a cabinet . House smells like Downey fabric softener .