THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana


Well-Known Member
Ok. Heres the idea. We would like to create a plant that produces large amounts of THC, but does not look, smell, or have physical properties of the cannabis plant. My thoughts on this: We need to start from a marijuana plant, because thats the only plant we know that produces THC in the amounts we want. This is just something we were wondering about and were not able to find info. on. Maybe start a sub forum or something that goes along with this kind of idea. thx for any info =)


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Biochem 101: How to design a Cannabis-equivalent citrus plant [/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step One:
Biochemically isolate all the required enzymes for the production of THC.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step Two:
Perform N-terminal sequencing on isolated enzymes, design degenerate PCR (polymerase chain reaction) primers and amplify the genes. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step Three:
Clone genes into an agrobacterial vector by introducing the desired piece of DNA into a plasmid containing a transfer or T-DNA. The mixture is transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a gram negative bacterium. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Step Four:
Use the Agrobacterium tumefaciens to infect citrus plants after wounding. The transfer DNA will proceed to host cells by a mechanism similar to conjugation. The DNA is randomly integrated into the host genome and will be inherited. [/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Dude, this would be so awesome. You don't know how much money I would pay for one seed of plant like this:hump:. This shit is way over my head, tho. I'm interested in seeing what some smarter ppl on here think.


Well-Known Member
hahaha Like any Stoner is gonna Try to do that too a bunch of plants.

Theoretically it wouldnt be passable down through the seeds would it, you would have to do that to each and every plant you want to make THC.


Well-Known Member
hahaha Like any Stoner is gonna Try to do that too a bunch of plants.

Theoretically it wouldnt be passable down through the seeds would it, you would have to do that to each and every plant you want to make THC.
Good point. It has to be possible somehow. I would love to talk to a plant scientist (forgot the name lol) and see if it's theoretically possible. If so, I think I found my life's calling:mrgreen: Thanks for the thread + rep.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Good point. It has to be possible somehow. I would love to talk to a plant scientist (forgot the name lol) and see if it's theoretically possible. If so, I think I found my life's calling:mrgreen: Thanks for the thread + rep.:joint:
LoL "plant scientist" (botanist). But if you did indeed insert the necessary gene to produce THC into another plant via bacterial vector it would pass it on to it's offspring, that's how Monsanto created it's RoundUp Ready crops. An interesting side effect would be that once released into the wild your hybrid would "infect" other plants of the same species via cross pollination causing a percentage of their offspring to produce THC as well.


Well-Known Member
Alpha you seem well versed in Bio Chemistry.

But Why has this not happened yet...

I would think someone somewhere would have done it...

Think of it every fruit you eat from now on gets you stoned...

The medical Patients would be all over it...

I do not see how you could affect its reproductive traits, since they were set at the "birth" of the plant. You are only imposing a gentic mutation essentialy right?

The only way I thought it would be possible to actually procreate a "Marijuana 2" was to map its entire Gene Structure and let Genetisists go to town.

Much like they did the strawberry/Fish Blend (Cold weather Fruit)...ect..

You would have to buy the genetic blueprint before even thinking about altering it.

I dont know spell it out for me, I am rather slow, but very interested.

Thanks and cheers...:peace:


Well-Known Member
It's very doable, but the investment needed to undertake such an operation is mind boggling. Finding, isolating, and extracting the genes that control THC production, then finding a suitable agro-bacteria to carry it into an equally suitable host plant would cost into the hundreds of millions. Only companies (such as monsanto) would be in a position to do such a thing, and they, of course, have no interest in a plant that would screw up the profit margins of their other products, or possibly infect a staple food product with an intoxicating substance.

If you need proof of it's reproductive capabilities just google "RoundUp Ready cross pollination" or a variation of those terms. People are afraid of it because Monsanto owns the patent on the very genetic makeup of their seeds, meaning that crops that have been cross pollinated and grown with "their genes" belong to the monsanto corporation.


Well-Known Member
"crops that have been cross pollinated and grown with "their genes" belong to the monsanto corporation."

Wow, thats pretty crazy.
And yeah, most people that have the resources for something like that aren't the least bit interested in Cannabis. I think the real the innovation in pot is going to be when someone stabilizes a polyploidy strain. I've been messing around with this idea for awhile now and it shouldn't be too long before you all start seeing polyploidy strains on the market.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you could just use the virus to transplant a new piece of DNA into the cells of the plant. This is completely within the realms of things science can do right now. This is the future and probably how cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy will be treated in humans.


Well-Known Member
If they ever invent a plant that you can't overwater there will be no more questions here and RIU would probably dry up like a crack whore's coochie and never be heard from again.


Well-Known Member
That is fascinating. I WANT A SEED! I hereby guarantee whomever; that I will dedicate my growing life to raising that seed in a fitting and proper manner. In addition, I promise to spread the seed of this beautiful new plant far and wide and singing its praises to the end of my days. In fact, I will legally change my name to Johnny Orangeweed.

Please bless ME with a Orangeweed seed.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
What we really need these scientists to do is make some kind of spores that grow into trichomes off of a piece of paper:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dammit. We have been conned.

South to the Future's World Wide Wire Service | Style | Find Articles at
Oranges that get you high: A Florida Biochemist designs a citrus tree with THC.

Subject: Re: Orange article

Wow, that was a really nice piece of science fiction! Found out about it reading a Phish message board (Andy Gadiel's Phish Blog), and you had a lot of them fooled, and drooling over extra special screwdrivers! Anyway, I don't usually run across plant-molecular biology-based sci-fi in the press, so my hat is off to you (and your very good cloning summary, it's worthy of a college course). Cheers.
Mike Jacobs, UW Botany
Phish fans let the cat out of the bag and the Pot-Orange story hitchhiked its way across the USENET, various listservs, e-mail forwarding lists, and the like. Most often without the disclaimer attached. It appeared in a print newspaper under another writer's byline. The BBC called Florida State University in search of Professor Nanofsky. So did hundreds of regular folks who just wanted some seeds. The Hartford Courant put a reporter on the story. Talk-radio hosts across the country discussed the implications of crops bioengineered with narcotics in mind.
Subject: Re: Where did our Drug laws come from?
Date: 1998/11/20
Newsgroups: pgh.opinion,misc.survivalism,talk.politics.drugs
Consider the following article mentioned on Chuck Harter's For the People radio program. If you have a way to search for the original article, I would love to find it. Chuck described it as the strangest story he has ever heard in his life.
In 1984 a genetic biophysics researcher had a 16 year old son. His son was stopped by the GA (or Fla?) state patrol....
The post continues on to paraphrase the story of Hugo Nanovsky, adding quotations from "interviews" (not the World Wide Wire Service story) with the professor in which he expounds upon the political beliefs that led him to create the Pot Orange. The paraphrase is longer than the article as it was originally published.


Well-Known Member
How awful. My heart goes out to you, Picasso.

I remember when I was younger, hearing about tomatoes with THC... but that could all be hearsay.


Well-Known Member
How awful. My heart goes out to you, Picasso.

I remember when I was younger, hearing about tomatoes with THC... but that could all be hearsay.
My dreams of being Johnny Orangeweed were dashed up the cold hard rocks of reality. Now where is that plant Doctor? Time to get gene splicing and what not my brother. Make a THC Orange tree and I will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha I remember that episode.

"Orange tree"? Pah. I say we make it tomatoes, so we still have an excuse to buy hydroponic equipment ;)